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Gönderen: "madodel" <ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com> Tam Ba?l?klar
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Konu: Re: [eCS T60/T61] Installing rc7 on T61
Tarih: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 00:42:35 -0400
Alacak: eCS ThinkPad T60/61 Mailing List <ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com>

Chuck McKinnis wrote:
Jon wrote:
Has anyone installed the Silver Edition on a TP61?

My first installed trapped on the fat32 driver.

I had added acpi to the optional list to install.  That gave me PSD=ACPI.PSD in my config.sys.  Perhaps I should not have added acpi to the list since the dual core should have detected it and apparently did not.

I then changed the config.sys to PSD=ACPI.PSD /SMP /ACPI and restarted.  Then it trapped loading cdfs.

I rem'd out acpi and rebooted and the install completed.

Bottom line, inspite of what I read in the readme, if acpi is not detected automatically in the preboot screen, don't select to add it.  You can add it with the post-install wizard.

Now I'm going to reformat and do it again to verify this really is valid info.


I installed RC7 first under VirtualBox on Windows and Ubuntu.  No SMP, no sound, no USB, HPFS.  The most basic install I could do.

I had no big problem installing live on my T61.  I am running with Panorama, SMP, and I have sound.

If you plan to use SMP, do not install APM.

For sound I had to run
@unimix.exe -id3 -cnt0 -val1 > nul
@unimix.exe -id3 -cnt1 -val1 > nul

Paul has a fixed version of UniAud that doesn't require unimix to activate sound.  I have mentioned this before in feedback, but apparently they never changed it.

Major problem I ran into with RC7 was trying to install the wireless driver for my Intel 3945 a/b/g (Intel 8086:4227).  During the initial install it only found the wired Intel 10/100/1000 (Intel 8086:1049), and I just left that even though I don't use it.   When I had tried changing it under the older testteam RC7 Protocol.ini had no hardware data.  But the same happened (no hardware data found in protocol.ini) with leaving the default wired driver on this new RC7 install.

I initially used MPTS to add the 3945, copying the driver from ibmcom\macs on my working RC6 partition.  On reboot there was no xwlan widget in ecenter.  I had to copy it from my RC6 partition.  But xwlan then showed that no wireless driver was installed even though GenMac loaded without error.  Finally used the Selective Install for Networking and reinstalled networking and now wireless works.  Has anyone else seen this?


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