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Hi, Chuck...
On 08/31/09 11:38 pm, Chuck McKinnis thus wrote :
Jon wrote:Any idea whether the UNI kernel includes APM support, Chuck, and whether the UNI kernel might be lacking something which ACPI would want in order to enable SMP? I have been running the UNI kernel on my T43 for a long time, APM works, and it suspends (no ACPI!!). I'm just curious as to whether that m8ght fast track the APM support under SMP for the T60/61, T400/500, related systems, and some desktops.
On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 19:53:33 -0600 Chuck McKinnis wrote:
If you plan to use SMP, do not install APM.
So IIRC, under advanced install, APM is selected by default and ACPI is not. Am I correct in understanding you are recommending unselecting APM at this point in the pre-install screen?
Thanks, Jon
Absolutely. The SMP kernel, which was developed for Warp Server, never expected to be suspended or throttled. Pasha is working on a patch, but I don't think it is complete yet.
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