Mailing List Archived Message #446

From: "madodel" <> Full Headers
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Subject: Re: [eCS T60/T61] Installing rc7 on T61
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 20:08:26 -0400
To: eCS ThinkPad T60/61 Mailing List <>

Jon wrote:
On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 19:53:33 -0600 Chuck McKinnis wrote:

If you plan to use SMP, do not install APM.


So IIRC, under advanced install, APM is selected by default and ACPI is not.  Am I correct in understanding you are recommending unselecting APM at this point in the pre-install screen?

As stated before I had a problem with networking under the standard install, so I just tried the advanced install and the network hardware detection found both cards [the Intel 10/100/1000 (Intel 8086:1049) and the Intel 3945 a/b/g (Intel 8086:4227)].  I guess the standard install just assumes there is only one NIC.  So far everything is fine.  As you point out the install had ACPI disabled but APM enabled.  But it booted to the WPS.  I enabled ACPI in the final install configuration notebook and everything is working fine so far.  I'm running Sysbench/2 right now to compare with the diferent kernel (the SMP 104a versus the patched kernel) and the different video drivers.


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