Mailing List gearchiveerd bericht #449

Van: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <> Volledige berichtkoppen
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Onderwerp: Re: [eCS T60/T61] Installing rc7 on T61
Datum: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 21:27:18 -0400
Aan: eCS ThinkPad T60/61 Mailing List <>

Hi, Jon...

On 09/02/09 08:29 pm, Jon thus wrote :
On Tue, 01 Sep 2009 20:08:26 -0400 madodel wrote:
As you point out the install had ACPI disabled but APM enabled.  But it booted to the WPS.  I enabled ACPI in the final install configuration notebook and everything is working fine so far.

It turns out I *must* run apm.add or else the battery widget doesn't work.  And before I added apm.add, acpidaemon wasn't in my config.sys (or perhaps I didn't do something right when I ran the acpi wizard?).

A problem I am having that I haven't figured out yet:

The config.sys hangs with 2 lines output "route not reachable" and after some time  'Press Enter to continue'.  I believe the long wait before "press enter " is the wait for llaecs as noted below.

RUN=C:\MPTN\BIN\CNTRL.EXE    <-- then 2 lines on screen for route unreachable
RUN=C:\IBMCOM\PROTOCOL\NBTCP.EXE   <--- after Enter is pressed to continue

MPTSTART contains 'call llaecs /s /w:30'

Kill it. Why we even have this Windowsish code on our platform is still a wonder to me. Have a look at , which goes into at least some of the background on the use (or lack thereof, if you ask me) of this absurdity, and how it is based on RFC 3927.
I don't usually run dhcp client on my T61 but decided to try it out when I did my last install.  I usually use a static IP.  The /W above is to wait for DHCPCD.    
Indeed. It will wait, and if no DHCP server responds, it will then give itself a fake address (LLA). (Have I mentioned how much I *hate* this stuff?)
I am getting DHCP from a linksys wrt54g  I am currently using ethernet (I haven't set up wlan yet).  If I type out the commands for setup.cmd & mptstart.cmd manually after bootup I don't get any errors so I figure it's a timing issue with not getting an IP soon enough for the config.sys to process it.

Indeed. Move setup.cmd to a call either from startup.cmd or even in an object your Startup folder (rough workaround). For some reason, the DHCP client isn't starting up fast enough.
So I am wondering if I can change something to make this work correctly.

The above should do it, however, have a look at mptstart.cmd and see where the call is to setup.cmd. I think you';re starting the dhcp daemon too late, and the countdown has already begin in that dreadful llaecs bugger.

BTW, have I mentioned how much I hate LLA? :-)

(Oh, I can't find an address... Okay, I guess I'll just make one up, then! LOL!)

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC      
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