Mailing List gearchiveerd bericht #453

Van: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <> Volledige berichtkoppen
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Onderwerp: Re: [eCS T60/T61] Installing rc7 on T61
Datum: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 23:54:50 -0400
Aan: eCS ThinkPad T60/61 Mailing List <>

Hi again, Jon...

On 09/02/09 10:29 pm, Jon Harrison thus wrote :
On Wed, 02 Sep 2009 21:27:18 -0400 Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
Move setup.cmd to a call either from startup.cmd or even in an object your Startup folder (rough workaround). For some reason, the DHCP client isn't starting up fast enough.

Excellent idea, sorry I didn't think of it myself.  There is so much more I have to do to get Silver setup to my liking.,

On llaecs, which I also hate and stopped using while on static IP, if I dump it I'd like to know the following:

2 nics, should I leave tcpcfg with only lan0 enabled?  When switching nic's will it work ok?  I can play with this later but I don't have the wireless setup yet.

Yes. Leave XWLAN to fiddle with lan1. Just ignore the wireless interface beyond loading GenMAC and the usual entries in PROTOCOL.INI.

The first time I encountered LLA was when configuring a large HP plotter (blueprint-sized machine, which took roll paper). I couldn't find the blasted thing on the network (it wasn't a network I'd set up, so it was all static IP). The plotter was waiting for a DHCP response, and when it didn't get one, it just decided to use LLA and gave itself a 169.254.x.x address. This, of course, left me stumped until I figured out the front panel of the thing, as I had no clue why I couldn't find it anywhere on the network, even when sniffing for port 9100 (the default HP network port). Dumb idea if you ask me.

Cheers. I hope I've helped relieve some of your stress. ;-)

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC      
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