On Sun, 06 Sep 2009 13:33:03 -0700 (PDT), Jon Harrison wrote:
>Somewhere in the past I read a reference referring to the preferred mouse drive for the TP.
>Silver set up my T61 with amouse.
>I am wondering if I should leave it be or switch to the IBM Mouse?
>2 issues:
>I am using comet cursor (so I can find the pointer on the screen!). It *never* holds between reboots. I have to toggle the setting off & on again
>in the amouse properties. Anyone else notice this?
>Under rc6a I could utilize the middle mouse key on the T61. Now I can't get it to function correctly even though I've fiddled with various
>settings in the amouse setup.
FWIW, I use the IBM Mouse [10.163] on my T60 and have had good results.
OTOH, my wife's desktop system has AMouse and experiences the same
erratic behavior with a real mouse as you describe. I keep meaning to
switch it to the IBM mouse, but just have not thought about it when
I've had the time.