Mailing List Archived Message #52

From: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <> Full Headers
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Subject: Re: [eCS T60/T61] Gigabit driver 8086 1049
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 20:33:32 -0400
To: eCS ThinkPad T60/61 Mailing List <>

On 04/16/08 08:18 pm, Carl Gehr thus wrote :
On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 17:31:47 -0600, Chuck McKinnis wrote:

I am about ready to punt.  It almost looks like a hardware problem, but I think you mentioned that it works with other OSs.  Might it be something in ACPI is disrupting communication?  I have PSD=ACPI.PSD /SMP /ACPI /SAP:0x20.

PMFJI, but...
It's understandable with the similarity, but did you intend the switch
to be '/APIC' instead of '/ACPI' in your settings?

[And, FWIW, as I've said before, '/APIC' caused me serious problems and
no problems w/o it.]

Chuck and I are using identical ACPI.PSD strings, and yes, that should indeed be /APIC (vs PIC mode). Evidently, the T61 has an easier time with APIC mode than the T60.

For everyone's edification, from ACPI-FAQ.doc:

Q33: What is the advantage of APIC mode?
A33: For example,
      * Computers work in APIC mode faster than in PIC mode (/PIC) because
         of less checkings
      * On some computers, if running in PIC mode, all devices are using
         one IRQ, this causes troubles.

    Disadvantages of APIC mode:       * with high IRQ there are problems with old drivers
      * there are problems with winos2      --
Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
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