Mailing List Archived Message #55

From: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [eCS T60/T61] Gigabit driver 8086 1049
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 21:38:52 -0400
To: eCS ThinkPad T60/61 Mailing List <>

On 04/16/08 09:01 pm, Curtis Fields thus wrote :
Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
On 04/16/08 08:32 pm, Chuck McKinnis thus wrote :
Carl Gehr wrote:
On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 17:31:47 -0600, Chuck McKinnis wrote:

I am about ready to punt.  It almost looks like a hardware problem, but I think you mentioned that it works with other OSs.  Might it be something in ACPI is disrupting communication?  I have PSD=ACPI.PSD /SMP /ACPI /SAP:0x20.

PMFJI, but...
It's understandable with the similarity, but did you intend the switch
to be '/APIC' instead of '/ACPI' in your settings?

[And, FWIW, as I've said before, '/APIC' caused me serious problems and
no problems w/o it.]


You are correct.  It is /APIC.  I am also running APM.ADD.

I just thought of something.  Make sure that helperw.exe is run before netbind.exe is called.

Chuck, Curtis says that his Wi-Fi is working with GenMAC, so I doubt it's his helperw.exe.

When you run a netstat -n, what do you see for your physical address on the wired NIC, Chuck?

I bet you get :\> netstat -n
Interface 0  Ethernet-Csmacd
physical address    000000000000      MTU 1500

What are you plugging into?  Linksys switch?

What do you have in your /ibmcom/lantran.log?  Do you get an actual MAC address bound to the adapter?  i.e. WRAPPER hardware init successfull MAC : XXXXXX:XXXXXX?

BIOS: 2.09 (7LETA9WW)
BIOS Date: 2007-12-27
MAC Address (Internal LAN): 00 1C 25 74 A5 FF

Ethernet LAN Option ROM: Enabled
Intel AMT Control: Disabled

GenMAC 2.20
ACPI 3.08
ele5132.inf & .sys are both dated 10/13/2007
null MAC address listed for the adapter

Registry dump from XP attached.

The pertinent entry you would want is:


Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC
Accountants / Network Consultants
 New York / Northern Virginia 
eComStation Consultants        
Novell Users Int'l
Need a managed Wi-Fi hotspot?     

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"DriverDesc"="Intel(R) 82566MM Gigabit Network Connection"





"ParamDesc"="Auto Connect Battery Saver"


"ParamDesc"="Adaptive Inter-Frame Spacing"


"ParamDesc"="Link Speed Battery Saver"


"ParamDesc"="Offload Receive IP Checksum"


"ParamDesc"="Offload Receive TCP Checksum"


"ParamDesc"="Offload Transmit IP Checksum"


"ParamDesc"="Offload Transmit TCP Checksum"


"ParamDesc"="Enable PME"

"2"="OS Controlled"

"ParamDesc"="Flow Control"

"3"="Generate & Respond"

"ParamDesc"="Interrupt Moderation Rate"


"ParamDesc"="Log Link State Event"


"ParamDesc"="Gigabit Master Slave Mode"

"0"="Auto Detect"
"1"="Force Master Mode"
"2"="Force Slave Mode"

"ParamDesc"="Locally Administered Address"

"ParamDesc"="Receive Descriptors"

"ParamDesc"="Transmit Descriptors"

"ParamDesc"="Link Speed & Duplex"

"0"="Auto Detect"
"1"="10Mbps/Half Duplex"
"2"="10Mbps/Full Duplex"
"3"="100Mbps/Half Duplex"
"4"="100Mbps/Full Duplex"
"5"="Auto-negotiate 1000Mbps"

"ParamDesc"="QoS Packet Tagging"


"ParamDesc"="Wait for Link"

"2"="Auto Detect"

"ParamDesc"="Wake on Settings"

"6"="Wake on Magic Packet"
"116"="Wake on Directed Packet"
"118"="Wake on Magic & Directed"
"246"="OS Controlled"

"ParamDesc"="Wake on Link Settings"





"MiniHelp"="Compensates for excessive Ethernet packet collisions by controlling back-to-back timing."

"MiniHelp"="Allows the adapter to verify the IP checksum of incoming packets.  May improves IP receive performance."

"MiniHelp"="Allows the adapter to verify the TCP checksum of incoming packets. May improve TCP receive performance."

"MiniHelp"="Allows the adapter to compute IP checksum of transmitted packets. May improve IP transmit performance."

"MiniHelp"="Allows the adapter to compute TCP or UDP checksum of transmitted packets. May improve TCP and UDP transmit performance."

"MiniHelp"="Enables/disables wake-up from Advanced Power Management (APM) sleep states."

"MiniHelp"="Pauses packet transmission on receipt of full flow control frame and sends full flow control frame to notify the other side to stop transmission."

"MiniHelp"="Determines rate at which the controller moderates interrupts. Default is optimized for common configurations. Changing this setting may improve performance for some configurations."

"MiniHelp"="Enables/disables recording of the link state message to the Event Viewer."

"MiniHelp"="Determines IEEE 802.3ab Master-Slave resolution during gigabit auto-negotiation. Default is recommended for most configurations. Forcing a setting can break link if partner is not configured correctly."

"MiniHelp"="Allows you to configure a custom MAC address for the adapter."

"MiniHelp"="Sets the number of buffers the driver uses when copying data to protocol memory. Increasing this value can enhance receive performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue."

"MiniHelp"="Sets the number of data segments that enable the adapter to track transmit packets. Increasing this value can improve transmit performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue."

"MiniHelp"="The adapter can either negotiate with its link partner or force the speed and duplex. The link partner must match the setting chosen!"

"MiniHelp"="Enables sending and receiving of IEEE Tagged frames (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q), which include priority and VLAN indicators."

"MiniHelp"="Determines whether the driver waits for link to be detected before finishing initialization.  Select Auto Detect to let the driver control the setting for copper or fiber adapters."

"MiniHelp"="Determines how to wake the system."

"MiniHelp"="Allows wake-up from APM power management when link is reconnected."


"ParamDesc"="Negotiable Speeds and Duplexes"
"MiniHelp"="This can be used to restrict the speeds and duplexes advertised to a link partner during autonegotiation."

"1"="Advertise 10 Half"
"2"="Advertise 10 Full"
"4"="Advertise 100 Half"
"8"="Advertise 100 Full"
"47"="Advertise Speed Default"
"32"="Advertise 1000 Full"

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