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Gönderen: "Neil Waldhauer" <ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com> Tam Ba?l?klar
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Konu: Re: [eCS T60/T61] T60 runs pretty hot
Tarih: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 13:58:50 -0800
Alacak: "eCS ThinkPad T60/61 Mailing List" <ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com>

On Mon, 25 Jan 2010 14:38:03 -0500, "Lewis G Rosenthal"
<ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com> wrote:

> I have a couple X60's and X61's in the field, and those seem to be doing
> okay in terms of fan noise & proper speed throttling (under XP; I've
> never even attempted eCS on one of those models!). I also have a
> relatively fresh build (XP) on an SL400, so we'll see if that has a
> similar fan experience to the R400's (although that model seems to have
> some other issues with it).

I, too have an X60. After the success with the T60, I grabbed an X60, because
that would really be a perfect laptop for me. But even though XP runs just
fine, eCS shuts the machine down after a few minutes. I didn't know why it
shuts down, but I bet it is a problem with heating.

I fixed it a different way, after seaching open tickets on eComStation.com. I
switched to the W4 kernel. I lose one CPU, but the machine runs normally. (But
still have bad system sounds, like some T60 users on this list.)

I wonder if the T60 would run cooler with the W4 kernel. It's too bad to run
only one CPU, but I would be satisfied with good eCS stability with only one
CPU. I may go back to the X60 and try SMP with cpuspeed, because cpuspeed is
still working well on my T60.

Neil Waldhauer, neil@blondeguy.com

Why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?

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