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Gönderen: "Chuck McKinnis" <ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com> Tam Ba?l?klar
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Konu: Re: [eCS T60/T61] Gigabit driver 8086 1049
Tarih: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 20:06:25 -0600
Alacak: eCS ThinkPad T60/61 Mailing List <ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com>

Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
On 04/16/08 08:32 pm, Chuck McKinnis thus wrote :
Carl Gehr wrote:
On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 17:31:47 -0600, Chuck McKinnis wrote:

I am about ready to punt.  It almost looks like a hardware problem, but I think you mentioned that it works with other OSs.  Might it be something in ACPI is disrupting communication?  I have PSD=ACPI.PSD /SMP /ACPI /SAP:0x20.

PMFJI, but...
It's understandable with the similarity, but did you intend the switch
to be '/APIC' instead of '/ACPI' in your settings?

[And, FWIW, as I've said before, '/APIC' caused me serious problems and
no problems w/o it.]


You are correct.  It is /APIC.  I am also running APM.ADD.

I just thought of something.  Make sure that helperw.exe is run before netbind.exe is called.

Chuck, Curtis says that his Wi-Fi is working with GenMAC, so I doubt it's his helperw.exe.

When you run a netstat -n, what do you see for your physical address on the wired NIC, Chuck?

Interesting.  physical address 000000000000  Internet and Peer are both working fine.

Chuck McKinnis

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