On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 20:24:15 -0600, Chuck McKinnis wrote:
>I think you will need to refresh the MBR from DFSee.
>New MBR code, KEEP tables
OK, I'll try that. I was hesitant to do that without any advise.
I also checked the bios once again. There is a setting for SATA,
it is set for ACHI. The only other choice is Compatible. I tried
it w/o any luck.
I also find that the dani driver on rc4 at \ecs\boot is from 2005
but the doc's indicate v1.8.1. I assume the actual driver is in
one of the .bin files (or whatever they are called). For kicks I
tried to define dani506.add on my usb stick as a user driver and it
refused to accept it. Part of that problem is that no usb devices
are defined at the time of the setup screen.