Gönderim Listesi ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com Ar?vli ?leti #74 | listeye geri dön |
Hi All,Thanks, Paul. I will direct major feedback to the Uniaud-user list (now that I have effectively blocked those pesky spams from the list), but I will give this a go in the morning and let you know.
I think I've found a possible fix for the HDA hangs on second sound.
I've built a binary - available from http://download.smedley.info/uniaud16test.zip
It stops the hangs on 2nd sound using both uniaud32 1.1.4rc6 and uniaud 1.9.3 on my T60, and sound still works on an ac97 laptop.
There seems to be some slight distortion at the end of the startup sound using this uniaud16, so I intend to experiment with other values for irq/sec tomorrow, but I'm curious what others experiences are.
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