Mailing List Archived Message #54

From: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: curl 8.11.1 testing (was: Re: [GNU Ports] cURL vulnerabilities)
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2025 17:32:03 -0500
To: GNU Ports for eCS Mailing List <>

Hi, again...

On 01/03/25 04:16 pm, Paul Smedley wrote:
Hey Lewis,

On 4/1/25 07:37, Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
On 01/03/25 03:49 pm, Paul Smedley wrote:
Hey again,

On 4/1/25 07:17, Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:

On 01/03/25 03:21 pm, Paul Smedley wrote:
Hi Again,

On 4/1/25 06:38, Paul Smedley wrote:
Hey Lewis,

On 4/1/25 04:24, Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
Trying to build 8.11.1 (latest), I didn't get very far (nothing useful). Before I dive into it, I was just wondering if anyone else had had any greater success. 7.75.0 seems quite outdated for something with security implications.

I got configure to run, let's see if I get a curl.exe



Somehow, every time I ask a question here, someone actually does the work for me. The upside is I get what I want, but the downside is that my own skills don't get any better. LOL

Thanks, Paul. I'll give this a whirl right now and see what we get.

If you prefer... has a curl4.dll rather than being statically linked, so should be able to be used with other apps.

Hmmm... Neither package seems to have an exe, however.

<sigh> there was definitely an exe when I built it, make install just decided not to copy it over I guess. is refreshed now.

It seems that any option other than -V or --help returns the same error, e.g.:

[j:\]curl -O
curl: (43) A libcurl function was given a bad argument

I can confirm that the matching dll is being loaded.

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE, CWTS, EA
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC      
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