Archivovaná správa #129 diskusnej skupiny

Od: "Alfredo Fernández Díaz" <> Celá hlavička
Nedekódovaná správa
Hlavička: lSwitcher 2.92: minor glitch in Spanish resources but not in source
Dátum: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:04:45 +0100
Komu: lSwitcher Developers Mailing List <>


when I checked the settings dialog on a hi-res system, I found PM shows a little square exactly where we had problems with resource text before (see screenshot, right above the mouse pointer), like one of those pesky 0x00 characters got in there somehow.

It all looks OK in the sources, though. Maybe something happened during the build process?

Thank you,
Pripojený súbor:  lsw292es.png (10020 bytov)

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