Сообщение #14 архива списка рассылки lswitcher-dev@2rosenthals.com

От: "Alfredo Fernández Díaz" <lswitcher-dev@2rosenthals.com> Полные заголовки
Декодированное сообщение
Тема: Re: [lswitcher-dev] lSwitcher 2.92 RC 6
Дата: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 00:06:47 +0200
Кому: lSwitcher Developers Mailing List <lswitcher-dev@2rosenthals.com>


stirred up Yahoo! webmail a bit, and messages seem to be coming through again. Will try out RC6 tomorrow evening. Thanks.

On 20/08/30 22:04, Lewis wrote:
Alfredo: In the Priority dialog help section, a couple definition list titles
overrun the tab, overlapping with the definition text (Servidor en primer
plano, Crucial para la temporizaci�n). I would suggest breaking the titles so
as to avoid an even wider tab.

Yes, will split 'Servidor', sure. As for 'crucial para la temporizaci�n', that is just about the worst possible translation I could come up with yesterday, in more ways than one, but it wasn't my finest hour. I know what the help says 'time-critical' is, but could anyone please try and give me a couple synonyms that I can hopefully use tomorrow as an inspiration?

Thank you in advance.

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