Mailing List Archived Message #148

From: Lewis Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [lswitcher-dev] Properties notebook verbiage
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 22:36:07 -0500
To: lSwitcher Developers Mailing List

On 11/23/20 04:33 pm, Gregg Young wrote:
On Sat, 21 Nov 2020 23:09:27 -0500 Lewis wrote:
Hi, Gregg...

On 11/21/20 06:28 pm, Gregg Young wrote:


Lewis I saw your ticket 79 but I am not clear as to exactly what you
are asking for. Thanks

The gist of it is that we have a properties notebook with four tabs:

Popup | Taskbar | Miscellaneous | About
Miscellaneous was changed to Global in 2.92

Indeed. I had an earlier build installed for some regression testing, and forgot to reinstall 2.92.

In the help, we refer to the "Taskbar" as the standalone lSwitcher
bar, and "Widget" as the XCenter widget. The properties tab includes
settings for both the Taskbar and the Widget, so the label is misleading
(implying only Taskbar settings on those pages). In fact, page 2 of that
tab includes Mouse actions, and page 3 has our Exclude filters. Clearly,
the label "Taskbar" is inappropriate.

My suggestion is to rename this tab "List" and to change the title of
the first page from "General" to "Appearance" and splitting the page
into two areas:
I agree with Alfredo that List isn't a good choice.

Surely. That's fine.

What I think I should do is create a Widget tab and use #ifdefines to add the Taskbar tab in the exe build and add the Widget tab in the widget build. The Taskbar tab would be unchanged. The Widget tab would only have the settings that apply to the widget. Pages 2 and 3 would remain the same for both. As for Appearance that would be fine for the Widget but some of the Taskbar setting don't strike me as fitting with that.

That works.


   3D look
   Group items
   Icons only
   Maximum button width
   Auto hide delay
Auto hide delay is Taskbar only.

Oops. Of course.


   Auto hide
   Allow resizing
   Auto resize
   Flat buttons
   Top of screen
   Bottom of screen
   Reduce desktop workarea

What is not mentioned in the ticket is that it would be more appropriate
to reorder the tabs:

List | Popup | Miscellaneous | About
I can do this with the appropriate names

Taskbar | Popup | Global | About
Widget | Popup | Global | About

That's fine.

Finally, and also not mentioned in the ticket, is that tabs with only a
single page should not say "Page 1 of 1". In most notebooks, the page
number is omitted.
Should be easy to do. Thanks

Yeah, I figured that that was a simple tweak.



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