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Od: "Gregg Young" <lswitcher-dev@2rosenthals.com> Glava
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Zadeva: Re: [lswitcher-dev] lSwitcher-2-93-0-RC_2.wpi
Datum: Thu, 26 Nov 2020 20:19:08 -0700 (MST)
Za: "lSwitcher Developers Mailing List" <lswitcher-dev@2rosenthals.com>

On Fri, 27 Nov 2020 01:15:06 +0100 Alfredo Fernández Díaz wrote:
>On 20/11/26 20:54, Gregg Young wrote:
>>Attached is lSwitcher-2-93-0-RC_2.wpi. This should fix all of Lewis'
>>fit and finish
>>issues with the settings notebook.
>>It also fixes the global page font issue and > hopefully fixes the
>>popup window hints.
>I don't know whether what I see is always what I should be seeing (only
>one VPC system tested so far), so here's a list, let's see what you
>think, and tell me if you can't reproduce any of the problems:
>-First, I don't see Times New Roman MT 30 used anywhere for Spanish,
>German or English (all text in the Global tab is the default AOS
>sans-serif), yet Russian and Czech characters display perfectly. I think
>this is good.

I have it so New Times Roman is only used for Polish, Czech or Russian.

>-The mystery square (after "Ctrl+alt+") is back in the Spanish dialog,
>but not for other languages (e.g. German).

I will look at this.

>-When I switch to Polish, Czech or Russian (good thing they sound
>similar enough that I can navigate around) *everything* in lSwitch is
>set to Times New Roman MT 30: the whole notebook, and also the taskbar
>menus. Good for the sake of consistency, but I'm not sure whether this
>is intentional.

It is intentional. Only the hints and title in the popup aren't Times New Roman MT 30.

>-When the standalone UI is switched to any Times MT 30 font language,
>drawing the notebook or menus becomes sluggish. I can see individual
>controls appear on each notebook tab. Switching back to other languages
>using the default sans-serif font, everything is back to normal again

Times New Roman MT 30 is the only choice for these languages except where by luck the subset of characters used exists in another font. I may need to change the popup title font when we start seeing process names in these languages.

>Widget menus and the notebook seem unaffected and are drawn at normal
>speed using the Times font for PL/CZ/RU, though.
>>The Times New Roman FT 30 font size has been changed to 8 pt.
>>Do you think it is too small (this is for PL CZ and RU)? Thanks
>I would probably squint at that after a while, but OTOH I would also be
>using bigger displays normally -- it is probably acceptable.
>More stuff:
>See the XCenter widget context menu for the XCenter in the attached
>-What's with the double line?

No idea. I will look at it.

>-The menu font is inconsistent with the one in the submenu. Not a
>problem per se, but it looks pretty ugly.
>And a lot of stuff seems to be going on now with the PM popup, some
>really serious issues:
>-Tasks displayed in the popup are not refreshed after closing one task.


>-The hints display also seems to get stuck: whatever appears there when
>the popup pops up does not refresh, no matter what tasks you select.


>-The hints font is displayed as bold when the popup is first displayed,
>then quickly changes to normal.
>-The hints font displays OK now, but is slightly different (why?).

Probably a slightly different font size. Thanks


>and more importantly: sometimes it's black as before, and sometimes blue
>as task titles.
>That's all (!) for now, I think.
>Thank you,
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