Archivovaná správa #57 diskusnej skupiny

Od: "Lewis" <> Celá hlavička
Nedekódovaná správa
Hlavička: Re: [lswitcher-dev] lSwitcher 2.92 RC 9
Dátum: Sun, 20 Sep 2020 22:21:48 -0400
Komu: lSwitcher Developers Mailing List <>


On 09/20/20 05:26 pm, Alfredo Fernández Díaz wrote:

On 20/09/20 20:42, Gregg Young wrote:

Any feed back on this. There will be an RC 10. I figured out what Alfredo
was asking  for regarding the hints at the bottom of the popup window and
have implemented the change.

Can't remember right now but you should have asked me if in doubt. I admittedly have little time for testing now and I had to skip most of your RCs, but I always should be able to handle a couple of lines. Hopefully I will be trying out RC9 tomorrow.

Indeed, the taskbar is working fine, here, and no more tooltips overstaying their welcome.

Language switching is much improved, though the post-change context menu with the broken entries is visually unappealing. It is resolved with a restart, of course.

I can confirm that Shift-F10 works for the popup window (when sticky; of course, as I don't normally use a sticky popup window, it took me a couple minutes to figure out how the key combination is 'sposed to work).

Mnemonics seem sane (no detected overlaps).

No regressions in terms of memory consumption, stuck processes, etc.

DOS/Win-OS/2 sessions properly filter the Priority... context menu option (very nice).



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