:userdoc. :docprof toc=123456. .nameit symbol=lsw text='lSwitcher' .nameit symbol=tmtl text='List' .nameit symbol=pmpw text='Popup' .nameit symbol=tb text='Taskbar' .nameit symbol=wgt text='Widget' .nameit symbol=pd text='Priority dialog' .nameit symbol=owl text='OS/2 Window List' .nameit symbol=sm text='Sticky Mode' .nameit symbol=ahm text='Auto-hide Mode' .nameit symbol=pn text='Properties notebook' .nameit symbol=mb1 text='mouse button 1' .nameit symbol=mb2 text='mouse button 2' .nameit symbol=mb3 text='mouse button 3' .nameit symbol=mb12 text='mouse buttons 1 and 2' .nameit symbol=tg text='Task Group' :title.&lsw. Help .* Subject: lSwitcher User Guide .* Version: 202008211 .* Copyright: 1997-2009 Andrei Los; 2010-2020 Netlabs lSwitcher Team .* Author: Andrei Los, Gregg Young, Andy Willis, Lewis Rosenthal, et al .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h1 res=30001 id='description' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Description :artwork align=center name='lswitch.bmp'. :p.:hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. is a powerful task switcher application for OS/2, ArcaOS, and eComStation, an enhanced replacement for the standard Alt-Tab switcher, implemented as a Presentation Manager (PM) popup window (:hp2.:link reftype=hd refid='30003'.&pmpw.:elink.:ehp2.), a text mode task list (:hp2.:link reftype=hd refid='40003'.&tmtl.:elink.:ehp2.) for full screen OS/2 and DOS sessions, a feature-rich task bar (:hp2.:link reftype=hd refid='30004'.&tb.:elink.:ehp2.), and an XWorkplace XCenter widget (:hp2.:link reftype=hd refid='30004'.&wgt.:elink.:ehp2.) with functions similar to the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2.. :p.:hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. is aware of and works well in conjunction with multiple virtual desktops, particularly those created and managed by ArcaOS Desktop / XWorkplace. :p.In order to provide access to :hp2.&lsw.'s &tmtl.:ehp2. from full screen DOS sessions, a DOS TSR (:link reftype=hd refid='40003'.Terminate Stay Resident:elink.) application is included. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h1 res=30002 id='30002' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Setup :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. is distributed as a WarpIN package. We strongly recommend you uninstall any previous version. If you have previously installed the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2., you will need to manually remove it if you plan on using the :hp2.&lsw. &tb.:ehp2.. If you have a version prior to 2.80 installed you will need to manually uninstall it. Only install the components you intend to use. Some additional configuration may be required in order to get the most out of the application. A reboot may be required after installing, as the :hp2.&lsw. hook:ehp2. may fail to unload from memory in some cases. Always try a reboot before reporting problems. :note. The :hp2.&lsw. hook:ehp2. and :hp2.&lsw. common:ehp2. packages are required for all installs. :p.The :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. and the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. cannot be used at the same time. If the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. is desired, install the :hp2.&lsw. &tb.:ehp2. package and don't install the :hp2.&lsw. &wgt. for X(e)Center:ehp2. package. :p.If you want &lsw. to start automatically, create a shadow of the program object in the Startup folder, or add :hp2.LSWITCH.EXE:ehp2. to :hp2.STARTUP.CMD:ehp2.. Alternatively, :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. may be started manually from its Workplace Shell (WPS) object or :hp2.LSWITCH.EXE:ehp2. may be run from an OS/2 command prompt from its installed location. The :hp2./I:ehp2. command line option may be used to specify the :link reftype=fn refid='INI'.settings file:elink. to use. :hp2.LSWITCH.INI:ehp2. created on the first startup of the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. in the :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. install directory is the default. :note.The :link reftype=hd refid='30032'.resource file:elink. (:hp2.LSWRES*.DLL:ehp2.) must be located in the program directory. The WPS hook (:hp2.LSWHOOK.DLL:ehp2.) must either be located in the program directory or in a directory specified in :hp2.LIBPATH:ehp2.. :p.To use the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2., install the :hp2.&lsw. &wgt. for X(e)Center:ehp2. package. When using the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2., :hp2.LSWHOOK.DLL:ehp2. must be in a directory specified in :hp2.LIBPATH :ehp2.. After restarting the XCenter, :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. will be available as a new widget to add. During initialization, the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. will create its :link reftype=fn refid='INI'.settings file:elink. in the :hp2.PLUGINS\XCENTER:ehp2. subdirectory. :note. Simply placing the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. in the :hp2.PLUGINS\XCENTER:ehp2. subdirectory (installed or not), will prevent the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. from opening if the XCenter is open. :p.To be able to use the :hp2.&tmtl.:ehp2. in full screen DOS sessions, it is necessary to install the :hp2.&lsw. DOS TSR:ehp2. package and load the :hp2.LSWITCHD.EXE:ehp2. TSR in each full screen DOS session or add it (along with the full path to the program file) to :hp2.AUTOEXEC.BAT:ehp2.. :note text='Note 1'.The path to :hp2.LSWITCHD.EXE:ehp2. must be :link reftype=fn refid='TSR1'.DOS-accessible:elink.. The default is <.BootDrive>.&colon.\OS2\MDOS\LSWDOS. :note text='Note 2'.The DOS TSR (:hp2.LSWITCHD.EXE:ehp2.) depends upon :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. itself (either the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. or the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2.) to be running :link reftype=fn refid='TSR2'.in order to function:elink.. :dl tsize=12 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Related&colon.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=fn refid='debug'.Note on errors and debugging:elink. :edl. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h1 res=30003 id='30003' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Popup :hp2.Activation:ehp2. :p.The :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. (or, in full screen sessions, the :link reftype=hd refid='40003'.&tmtl.:elink.) is displayed upon pressing the :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.activation key combination:elink. (:hp1.Alt+Tab:ehp1. by default, or alternatively, :hp1.Ctrl+Tab:ehp1.. :p.:hp2.Navigation:ehp2. :p.Browse forward through the list of running tasks by holding the :hp1.Alt:ehp1. (or :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1.) key down while pressing the :hp1.Tab:ehp1. key repeatedly. Browse backwards by also holding the :hp1.Shift:ehp1. key. Alternatively, you may browse through the list (up, down, left, right) using the cursor controls. When the desired task has been selected, simply release the :hp1.Alt:ehp1. (or :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1.) key. To cancel the selection and return to the original task, press :hp1.Spacebar:ehp1. before releasing the :hp1.Alt:ehp1. (or :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1.) key, which will dismiss the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2.. :p.Another method for selecting a running task from the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. is by clicking on it with &mb1.. Clicking &mb2. on a running task displays its :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. context menu. Select an action using &mb1.. :p.:hp2.&sm.:ehp2. :p.:hp2.&sm.:ehp2. may be enabled on a per-use basis by pressing the :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1. key after the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. is visible (if the :hp1.Alt+Tab:ehp1. default :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.activation key combination:elink. is used, or :hp1.Alt:ehp1., if using :hp1.Ctrl+Tab:ehp1.). In this mode, the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. will remain visible and focused on the screen without having to hold the :hp1.Alt:ehp1. (or :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1.) key down. In :hp2.&sm.:ehp2., switching to the selected task is accomplished by pressing :hp1.Enter:ehp1. (all other available :link reftype=hd refid='popuphotkeys'.hotkeys:elink. function normally). :p.The :hp1.Sticky popup window:ehp1. option on the :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.General &pmpw.:elink. page in the :link reftype=hd refid='Program Settings'.&lsw. &pn.:elink. makes :hp2.&sm.:ehp2. the default behavior. :p.Scrolling the mouse wheel through the list of running tasks in the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. moves the selection box left and right. Behavior of the scrollwheel depends upon :link reftype=fn refid='scrollwheel'.mouse driver and configuration:elink.. :p.The program also supports several :link reftype=hd refid='popuphotkeys'.hotkeys:elink. when the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. is active. The available :link reftype=hd refid='popuphotkeys'.hotkeys:elink. and context menu options differ depending upon the type of running object selected and its current state (active, minimized/hidden, etc.). :p.:hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. background color as well as font and text color may be changed by dragging and dropping from the respective WPS palette object while the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. is in :hp2.&sm.:ehp2.. The colors and fonts are saved with the other program settings. :note text='Note 1'.It is necessary to open the &pn. and click :hp2.Save:ehp2. in order to retain colors and fonts after :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. is closed and reopened. :note text='Note 2'.The PM :link reftype=hd refid='32241' database='wphelp.hlp'.Alt-Tab Switching Window:elink. option must be enabled in order to use :hp2.&lsw.'s &pmpw.:ehp2. with :hp1.Alt-Tab:ehp1. default :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.activation key combination:elink.. This :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.activation key combination:elink. will not function with OS/2 versions prior to Warp 4. :dl tsize=12 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Related&colon.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='popuphotkeys'.&pmpw. Hotkeys:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.General &pmpw. properties :elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 2'.&pmpw. Exclude filters:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='40003'.&tmtl.:elink. :edl. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h2 res=30103 id='popuphotkeys' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.&pmpw. Hotkeys The following hotkeys are available for tasks shown in the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2.&colon. :dl tsize=6 break=none. :dt.:hp2.c:ehp2. :dd.Closes selected task :dt.:hp2.q:ehp2. :dd.Closes selected task by terminating its message loop :dt.:hp2.k:ehp2. :dd.Closes selected task by using DosKillProcess :dt.:hp2.g:ehp2. :dd.Closes selected task by using SIGKILL (if available) :dt.:hp2.h:ehp2. :dd.Hides selected task :dt.:hp2.s:ehp2. :dd.Shows selected task :dt.:hp2.r:ehp2. :dd.Restores selected task :dt.:hp2.n:ehp2. :dd.Minimizes selected task :dt.:hp2.x:ehp2. :dd.Maximizes selected task :dt.:hp2.f:ehp2. :dd.Adds selected task's switch list entry to the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. Exclude filters :dt.:hp2.p:ehp2. :dd.Opens a dialog to allow setting process priority and delta, as well as a checkbox to apply such changes to the task's descendants. See :link reftype=hd refid='30200'.&pd.:elink. for more information. :dt.:hp2.w or Enter:ehp2. :dd.Switch to selected task :dt.:hp2.t:ehp2. :dd.Tiles selected task :dt.:hp2.a:ehp2. :dd.Cascades selected task :dt.:hp2.m:ehp2. :dd.Move selected task :dt.:hp2.F1:ehp2. :dd.Opens this help file :edl. :note text='Note 1'.Hotkeys must be passed in lower case. :note text='Note 2'.Not all hotkeys or functions are available for all types of windows and/or sessions in all states. :dl tsize=12 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Related&colon.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='30003'.&pmpw.:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.General &pmpw. properties :elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 2'.&pmpw. Exclude filters:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='40003'.&tmtl.:elink. :edl. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h1 res=40003 id='40003' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.&tmtl. In full screen OS/2 sessions, the :hp2.&tmtl.:ehp2. is displayed upon pressing the :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.activation key combination:elink. (:hp1.Alt+Tab:ehp1. by default, or alternatively, :hp1.Ctrl+Tab:ehp1.). :p.Similar functionality is available by loading the DOS TSR (Terminate Stay Resident) :hp2.LSWITCHD.EXE:ehp2.. This may be added to :hp2.AUTOEXEC.BAT:ehp2. or loaded manually from a full screen DOS command prompt. :note text='Note 1'.In OS/2 and DOS full screen sessions only the left :hp1.Alt:ehp1.or :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1. key work for activation. :note text='Note 2'.The path to :hp2.LSWITCHD.EXE:ehp2. must be :link reftype=fn refid='TSR1'.DOS-accessible:elink.. :note text='Note 3'.The DOS TSR (:hp2.LSWITCHD.EXE:ehp2.) depends upon :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. itself (either the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. or the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2.) to be running :link reftype=fn refid='TSR2'.in order to function:elink.. :p.:hp2.Navigation:ehp2. :p.Browse up or down through the list of running tasks using the cursor controls. When the desired task has been selected, simply release the :hp1.Alt:ehp1. (or :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1.) key. To cancel the selection and return to the original task, press :hp1.Spacebar:ehp1. before releasing the :hp1.Alt:ehp1. (or :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1.) key, which will dismiss the :hp2.&tmtl.:ehp2.. :p.:hp2.&sm.:ehp2. :p.:hp2.&sm.:ehp2. may be enabled on a per-use basis by pressing the :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1. key after the :hp2.&tmtl.:ehp2. is visible (if the :hp1.Alt+Tab:ehp1. default :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.activation key combination:elink. is used, or :hp1.Alt:ehp1., if using :hp1.Ctrl+Tab:ehp1.). In this mode, the :hp2.&tmtl.:ehp2. will remain visible and focused on the screen without having to hold the :hp1.Alt:ehp1. (or :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1.) key down. In :hp2.&sm.:ehp2., switching to the selected task is accomplished by pressing :hp1.Enter:ehp1.. :note.:link reftype=hd refid='popuphotkeys'.Hotkeys:elink. and context menus are not available from the :hp2.&tmtl.:ehp2. :p.The :hp1.Sticky popup window:ehp1. option on the :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.General &pmpw.:elink. page in the :link reftype=hd refid='Program Settings'.&lsw. &pn.:elink. makes :hp2.&sm.:ehp2. the default behavior. :dl tsize=12 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Related&colon.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='30003'.&pmpw.:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.General &pmpw. properties :elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 2'.&pmpw. Exclude filters:elink. :edl. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h1 res=30004 id='30004' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.&tb. &. &wgt. By default, the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. is shown at the bottom of the screen. The :hp1.Top of screen:ehp1. radio button on the :link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_1'.General &tb. properties:elink. page in the :link reftype=hd refid='Program Settings'.&lsw. &pn.:elink. may be selected to reposition the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2.. :p.Various properties of the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. may be configured, including maximum button width for running tasks, whether the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. is of fixed width or resizable, :link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_2'.mouse button mapping:elink., as well as the style and content of the buttons, and whether multiple instances of the same program or session should be grouped together. The :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. may also be set to automatically hide itself when not needed. Bumping its nearest screen border (top or bottom) will cause it to be shown. :p.:hp2.&tb.:ehp2. and :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. background color as well as font and text color may be changed by dragging and dropping from the respective WPS palette object (while the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. is not in :hp2.&ahm.:ehp2.). It is possible to drag and drop different colors and fonts corresponding to program or session state (active, minimized/hidden, etc.). To change the color and font for the task name tooltip, hold the :hp1.Shift :ehp1.key down while the tooltip is visible (this will make the tooltip remain on the screen even when the mouse is not hovering over its related :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. button, and even when the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. is in :hp2.&ahm.:ehp2.). Open the desired palette, and while holding the :hp1.Shift:ehp1. key, drag and drop a color or font onto the tooltip. The colors and fonts are saved with the other program settings. :note.It is necessary to open the &pn. and click :hp2.Save:ehp2. in order to retain colors and fonts after :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. is closed and reopened. :p.Clicking &mb2. on a :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. or :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. button displays a context menu with possible actions for the window corresponding to its type and state. The menu may appear in one of five different contexts&colon. :ul compact. :li.A task :link reftype=fn refid='menu1'.active on the current desktop:elink.. :li.A task :link reftype=fn refid='menu2'.active on another desktop:elink. (assuming multiple virtual desktops exist). :li.A task which has been :link reftype=fn refid='menu3'.minimized:elink.. :li.A task which has been :link reftype=fn refid='menu4'.hidden:elink.. :li.A :link reftype=fn refid='menu5'.group:elink. of related tasks (if the :hp1.Group items:ehp1. option has been set). :eul. :p.A :hp2.&tg.'s:ehp2. &mb1. menu provides a list of the group's members, each of which in turn has its own context menu (one of the menus listed above). :p.Clicking &mb2. on the Desktop button, a :hp2.&tg.:ehp2., or on an unused portion of the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. or :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. displays a menu with the following :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. items&colon. :dl tsize=22 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Run...:ehp2. .br :hp1.(&tb. only):ehp1. :dd.Opens a dialog for specifying (or browsing to) an application to start. :dt.:hp2.Properties:ehp2. :dd.Opens the :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. &pn.. :dt.:hp2.Help:ehp2. :dd.Opens this file. (The :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. also allows access to XCenter help.) :dt.:hp2.Quit:ehp2. .br :hp1.(&tb. only):ehp1. :dd.Exits :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2.. :dt.:hp2.Delete widget:ehp2. .br :hp1.(&wgt. only):ehp1. :dd.Removes the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. from the XCenter. .br :dt.:hp2.Create new widget:ehp2. .br :hp1.(&wgt. only):ehp1. :dd.Opens a list of available widgets to add to the XCenter (XWP 1.0.13 or higher). :dt.:hp2.XCenter .br properties:ehp2. .br :hp1.(&wgt. only):ehp1. :dd.Opens the XCenter &pn.. :dt.:hp2.Close XCenter:ehp2. .br :hp1.(&wgt. only):ehp1. :dd.Exits the XCenter. :edl. :p.:hp1.Shift+&mb1.:ehp1. on the Desktop button in the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. or the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. lists all &owl. entries as a menu. Selecting an entry from the &owl. menu switches to the corresponding task. :hp1.Ctrl+&mb1.:ehp1. on the Desktop button in the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. or the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. lists all running processes. Selecting an entry in the running process list menu displays a message box with options to kill the corresponding process or cancel the operation. :p.The :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. is XPager-aware and is always shown on the current virtual desktop. :dl tsize=12 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Related&colon.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_1'.General &tb. properties:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_2'.Mouse &tb. properties:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_3'.&tb. Exclude filters:elink. :edl. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h1 res=30200 id='30200' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.&pd. OS/2 switches between tasks dozens of times per second, allowing active programs to appear to run in parallel. This occurs on single-processor systems and multi-processor (SMP) systems. As there will always be more active tasks than physical processors in the system, switching is always required for multitasking. :p.A :hp1.thread:ehp1. is OS/2's smallest running program unit for task switching. A program may utilize one or more threads (sometimes many, and the exact number may vary as the program runs, depending upon the type of program and whether it is idle or being actively used). Because one active program may have more than one thread, task switching may occur between that program's threads (:hp1.multi-threading:ehp1.), as well as between threads running in other programs. :p.The :hp1.scheduler:ehp1. is the part of the OS/2 kernel which manages thread switching. :p.In a single thread, program instructions are executed sequentially. In a multi-threaded application, it may be difficult to observe the order of execution of one thread's instructions as opposed to another's. On SMP systems, threads from the same application might actually run concurrently on several processors. As a result, many things appear to take place simultaneously. :p.Applications which leverage multi-threading use multiple threads to balance program operations between background operations (calculations, file I/O, etc.) and foreground operations (user input or display). :p.Not all OS/2 software is multi-threaded. Such applications use only one thread for all operations, and may cause the user interface to stop responding (block) while performing processor-intensive tasks, or when other hungry applications are running concurrently. :p.A :hp1.process:ehp1. is any application which has been loaded into memory. Each process must have at least one thread. :p.Threads may have different :hp1.priorities:ehp1.. This is where the :hp2.&pd.:ehp2. is useful. :p.Generally, a higher priority thread is given more processor time by the scheduler than a lower priority one. When more than one thread is internally marked as ready, the scheduler makes a determination as to which one gets more processor attention based upon its thread priority. :p.Threads which are currently blocked (waiting for something else, or in some other way unable to be executed) do not need processor time. It is generally the case that the vast majority of threads will be in the blocked state, while a smaller proportion are actually ready, and thus, consuming processor attention (time). :p.OS/2 provides four priority classes, as presented in the :hp2.&pd.:ehp2., referring to the main thread of the selected process&colon. :dl tsize=26 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Idle-time&colon.:ehp2. :dd.The lowest priority class (1). The thread only gets processor time if no higher priority class threads are ready. Useful for background tasks which are not critical to system operation and which may be delayed until fewer active tasks are in need of processor time. :dt.:hp2.Regular&colon.:ehp2. :dd.The default and most used priority class (2). The OS/2 scheduler changes priority levels (deltas) dynamically within this class to ensure that no thread of this class is "starved" for processor time. :dt.:hp2.Foreground server&colon.:ehp2. :dd.The second-highest priority class (4) for non-dynamic threads (above dynamic "regular" class threads). Although this class has the value 4, time-critical threads take priority over this class. As with regular threads, the scheduler will dynamically manage processor time for threads within this class. :dt.:hp2.Time-critical&colon.:ehp2. :dd.The highest priority class (3). A time-critical priority thread will :hp1.immediately:ehp1. be given processor time without interruption until it completes. (Many device drivers will yield processor time only to threads of this class.) :p.:hp2.CAUTION&colon.:ehp2. Time-critical threads should only use the minimum possible processor time because they cannot be interrupted (except by other time-critical threads). Other non-time-critical threads will not run while a time-critical thread is running, even if the thread itself yields the CPU via DosSleep(0). This class is normally only used for network or other communications, or multimedia applications which might be negatively impacted if interrupted (time-sensitive I/O). :edl. :p.Within each priority class, a thread may be set to a priority level, or :hp2.Delta:ehp2.. This value (from 0 to +31) assigns the precedence of a thread within its given priority class and is only used when multiple threads of the same priority class require processor time. :p.:hp2.Include descendants:ehp2. applies the priority class and delta to all threads spawned (started, either before or after making any changes here) from the task's main thread. :p.Click :hp2.OK:ehp2. to apply the priority changes or :hp2.Cancel:ehp2. to leave the dialog without saving changes. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h1 res=30005 id='Program Settings' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Program settings :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. may be configured using the &pn., accessible using one of the following methods: :ul compact. :li.the :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. entry in the &owl.&semi. :li.the &pn. hotkey combination, :hp1.Ctrl+Alt+S:ehp1. (by default) while :hp1.not:ehp1. in a full screen session or when the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. is open&semi. or :li.Properties from the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. context menu (&mb2. on an unused area of the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2.). :eul. :p.For the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2., :hp2./I:ehp2. command line option may be used to specify the :link reftype=fn refid='INI'.settings file:elink. to use. :p.The &pn. contains the following pages&colon. :dl tsize=20 break=none. :dt.:hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.General &pmpw. properties :elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 2'.&pmpw. Exclude filters:elink. :dt.:hp2.&tb.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_1'.General &tb. properties:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_2'.Mouse &tb. properties:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_3'.&tb. Exclude filters:elink. :dt.:hp2.Miscellaneous:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='Miscellaneous'.General properties:elink. :dt.:hp2.About:ehp2. :dd.Version, build level, and copyright information. :edl. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h2 res=40001 id='Popup tab' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.&pmpw. Settings on these pages affect the behavior of the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. and :hp2.&tmtl.:ehp2. only. :p.The :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. tab contains the following pages&colon. :p.:link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.General &pmpw. properties :elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 2'.&pmpw. Exclude filters:elink. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :i1 id=30000.Switch to PM from FS sessions :i1 id=30001.Scroll icons :i1 id=30002.Show hints :i1 id=30003.Alt+Tab; Ctrl+Tab :i1 id=30004.Sticky popup window .* :i1 id=30005.Scroll message divider :h3 res=30007 id='Popup window page 1' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.General :hp2.Alt+Tab / Ctrl+Tab:ehp2. :p.Sets the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. or :hp2.&tmtl.:ehp2. activation hotkey. :note text='Note 1'.The :hp1.Alt+Tab:ehp1. hotkey combination will not function with OS/2 versions prior to Warp 4. :note text='Note 2'.4OS2 and 4DOS by default use the :hp1.Ctrl+Tab:ehp1. hotkey combination to open their filename completion window. :p.:hp2.Sticky popup window:ehp2. :p.Makes :hp2.&sm.:ehp2. the default. The :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. is not hidden after releasing the :hp1.Alt:ehp1. (or :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1.) modifier key. In :hp2.&sm.:ehp2., switching to the selected task is accomplished by pressing :hp1.Enter:ehp1. (all other available :link reftype=hd refid='popuphotkeys'.hotkeys:elink. function normally). To disable :hp2.&sm.:ehp2. temporarily, press the :hp1.Alt:ehp1. (or :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1.) modifier key after activating the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. :p.:hp2.Switch to PM from full screen sessions:ehp2. :p.When enabled, :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. will switch back to the desktop and display the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. when activated from a full screen session instead of displaying the :hp2.&tmtl.:ehp2.. This may be useful for displays which switch slowly between text and video modes. :p.:hp2.Scroll icons:ehp2. :p. Instead of scrolling the selection box in the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. (the default behavior), this keeps the selection box stationary and moves the available tasks in the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2.. :p.:hp2.Show hints:ehp2. :p.Enables display of available keys at the bottom of the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2.. :p.:hp2.Save:ehp2. :p.Saves changes and exits the &pn. :p.:hp2.Hide:ehp2. :p.Exits the &pn. without saving changes. Any changes you have made will persist until &lsw. is restarted or you change them again. :p.:hp2.Help:ehp2. :p.Displays this help guide. :dl tsize=12 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Related&colon.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 2'.&pmpw. Exclude filters :elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='popuphotkeys'.&pmpw. Hotkeys:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='30003'.&pmpw.:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='40003'.&tmtl.:elink. :edl. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :i1 id=30006.Current filters :i1 id=30007.New entry :i1 id=30008.Add entry :i1 id=30009.Remove entry :h3 res=30101 id='Popup window page 2' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Exclude filters :hp2.Current filters:ehp2. :p.The list of tasks which are not shown in the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. or :hp2.&tmtl.:ehp2.. :p.:hp2.New entry:ehp2. :p.Entry field in which to manually specify a new filter entry. :note.Wildcards (:hp2.?:ehp2. for a single character&semi. :hp2.*:ehp2. for a string) are recognized and valid for filter entries. Regular expressions are not recognized, however. :p.:hp2.Add entry:ehp2. :p.Adds a new entry to the list of filters from the list currently running tasks. :p.:hp2.Remove entry:ehp2. :p.Removes selected entry from the filter list. :p.:hp2.Save:ehp2. :p.Saves changes and exits the &pn.. :p.:hp2.Hide:ehp2. :p.Exits the &pn. without saving changes. Any changes you have made will persist until &lsw. is restarted or you change them again. :p.:hp2.Help:ehp2. :p.Displays this help guide. :dl tsize=12 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Related&colon.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.General &pmpw. properties :elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='popuphotkeys'.&pmpw. Hotkeys:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='30003'.&pmpw.:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='40003'.&tmtl.:elink. :edl. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h2 res=40002 id='Taskbar tab' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.&tb. Settings on these pages affect the behavior of the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. and :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. only. :p.The :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. tab contains the following pages&colon. :p.:link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_1'.General &tb. properties:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_2'.Mouse &tb. properties:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_3'.&tb. Exclude filters:elink. :dl tsize=12 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Related&colon.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='30004'.&tb. &. &wgt.:elink. :edl. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :i1 id=30010.Enable :i1 id=30011.Auto hide :i1 id=30012.Auto resize :i1 id=30013.Top of screen :i1 id=30014.Bottom of screen :i1 id=30015.Reduce desktop workarea :i1 id=30016.Maximum button width :i1 id=30017.Group items :i1 id=30018.Flat buttons :i1 id=30019.3D look :i1 id=30020.Allow resizing :h3 res=30102 id='Taskbar_page_1' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.General :hp2.Enable:ehp2. :p.Enables :hp2.&tb.:ehp2.. :note.It is possible to use :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. as a :link reftype=hd refid='30003'.&pmpw.:elink. and :link reftype=hd refid='40003'.&tmtl.:elink. only, without either the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. or the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2.. :p.:hp2.Auto hide:ehp2. :p.Enables :hp2.&ahm.:ehp2.. In this mode, the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. will slide below the nearest screen border. To access it, simply bump the screen border. (:hp1.&tb. only:ehp1..) :note.If using XWorkplace's Screen Borders feature, be sure to not assign something else to the screen border closest :hp2.&lsw.'s &tb.:ehp2. to avoid conflicts. The area of activation has been limited to the left 90% of the screen border to prevent interference with the XWorkplace's Screen Borders feature's left corner assignments. If you resize the bar it will be limited to the length of the bar. :p.:hp2.Auto hide delay:ehp2. :p. You can set the delay before the bar re-hides using the spin box at the bottom of the :hp2.&lsw.'s &tb.:ehp2. settings page. It is incremented in 1/10 second intervals between 1/10 of a second and 5 seconds. 1 second is the default. :p.:hp2.Allow resizing:ehp2. :p.When enabled, the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. length and height may be adjusted by dragging its upper, right, or one of its corners. (:hp1.&tb. only:ehp1..) :note text='Note 1'.While the height of the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. may be adjusted, the :hp1.button:ehp1. height is fixed. However, extending the height of the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. will allow for multiple rows of buttons to be displayed. Shortening the length of the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. when both text and icons are displayed may result in text being truncated. The :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. may also be shortened to the point where some task icons are no longer visible. :note text='Note 2'.:hp1.Allow resizing:ehp1. and :hp1.Auto resize:ehp1. are mutually exclusive. :p.:hp2.Auto resize:ehp2. :p.When enabled, the width of the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. will change dynamically to accommodate the listed tasks. (:hp1.&tb. only:ehp1..) :note text='Tip'.To access the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. context menu, click &mb2. near the edge of the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2.. :note.:hp1.Auto resize:ehp1. and :hp1.Allow resizing:ehp1. are mutually exclusive. :p.:hp2.Flat buttons:ehp2. :p.Removes separator lines between :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. buttons. (:hp1.&tb. only:ehp1..) :p.:hp2.3D look:ehp2. :p.When enabled, the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. or :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. is presented with a concave appearance such that the buttons are then displayed in relief. :p.:hp2.Group items:ehp2. :p.Children of the same parent process are given a single (group) :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. or :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. button. Clicking &mb1. on the group button displays a list of related tasks. Clicking &mb2. on each of these raises its own context menu. Clicking &mb2. on the group button raises the group's context menu. Double-clicking &mb1. on the group button selects (opens) the first member of the group. :p.:hp2.Icons only:ehp2. :p.When enabled, :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. and :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. buttons are displayed without their titles. Hovering over a button displays the selected task's title in a tooltip. :p.:hp2.Top of screen / Bottom of screen:ehp2. :p.Positions the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. at the upper or lower screen border. (:hp1.&tb. only:ehp1..) :p.:hp2.Reduce Desktop workarea:ehp2. :p.When enabled, the PM desktop's workarea will be reduced by the height of the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2.. Enabling this will have the effect that maximized windows will be vertically sized to the height of the screen minus the height of the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2.. (:hp1.&tb. only:ehp1.) :note text='Note 1'.:hp1.Reduce Desktop workarea:ehp1. and :hp1.Auto hide:ehp1. are mutually exclusive. :note text='Note 2'.:hp1.Reduce Desktop workarea:ehp1. will not function with OS/2 versions prior to Warp 4. :p.:hp2.Maximum button width:ehp2. :p.Specifies the maximum width of :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. and :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. buttons. Note that the actual maximum button width is adjusted such that it is not larger than this number, and that no partial buttons are displayed on the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. or :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2.. Thus, buttons may actually be displayed smaller than this maximum width. :p.:hp2.Save:ehp2. :p.Saves changes and exits the &pn. :p.:hp2.Hide:ehp2. :p.Exits the &pn. without saving changes. Any changes you have made will persist until &lsw. is restarted or you change them again. :p.:hp2.Help:ehp2. :p.Displays this help guide. :dl tsize=12 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Related&colon.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_2'.Mouse &tb. properties:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_3'.&tb. Exclude filters:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='30004'.&tb.:elink. :edl. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :i1 id=30021.Mouse actions :h3 res=30104 id='Taskbar_page_2' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Mouse :hp2.Switch:ehp2. :p.This column defines the mouse button(s) used to activate the selected task. Note that &mb2. is reserved for activating context menus. :p.:hp2.Minimize/hide:ehp2. :p.This column defines the mouse button(s) used to minimize or hide the selected task. Note that &mb2. is reserved for activating context menus. :p.:hp2.Close:ehp2. :p.This column defines the mouse button(s) used to exit the selected task. Note that &mb2. is reserved for activating context menus. :p.:hp2.Save:ehp2. :p.Saves changes and exits the &pn. :p.:hp2.Hide:ehp2. :p.Exits the &pn. without saving changes. Any changes you have made will persist until &lsw. is restarted or you change them again. :p.:hp2.Help:ehp2. :p.Displays this help guide. :dl tsize=12 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Related&colon.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_1'.General &tb. properties:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_3'.&tb. Exclude filters:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='30004'.&tb.:elink. :edl. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :i1 id=40006.Current filters :i1 id=40007.New entry :i1 id=40008.Add entry :i1 id=40009.Remove entry :h3 res=30105 id='Taskbar_page_3' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Exclude filters :hp2.Current filters:ehp2. :p.The list of tasks which are not shown in the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. or :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2.. :p.:hp2.New entry:ehp2. :p.Entry field in which to manually specify a new filter entry. :note.Wildcards (:hp2.?:ehp2. for a single character&semi. :hp2.*:ehp2. for a string) are recognized and valid for filter entries. Regular expressions are not recognized, however. :p.:hp2.Add entry:ehp2. :p.Adds a new entry to the list of filters from the list from the list of currently running tasks. :p.:hp2.Remove entry:ehp2. :p.Removes selected entry from the filter list. :p.:hp2.Save:ehp2. :p.Saves changes and exits the &pn. :p.:hp2.Hide:ehp2. :p.Exits the &pn. without saving changes. Any changes you have made will persist until &lsw. is restarted or you change them again. :p.:hp2.Help:ehp2. :p.Displays this help guide. :dl tsize=12 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Related&colon.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_1'.General &tb. properties:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='Taskbar_page_2'.Mouse &tb. properties:elink. .br :link reftype=hd refid='30004'.&tb.:elink. :edl. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :i1 id=30022.Language :i1 id=30023.Settings dialog hotkey :i1 id=30024.Change minimization Z-order :i1 id=30025.Show &lsw. in &owl. :h2 res=30106 id='Miscellaneous' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Miscellaneous :hp2.Language:ehp2. :p.Specifies the language for program menus and messages. The listbox displays available languages depending upon the available resource DLLs which have been installed in the program directory. This change takes effect after saving and closing the &pn.. :note.All languages are installed by default. If you wish to delete the extra language resource DLL(s) make sure you change :hp1.Language:ehp1. to one you aren't going to delete, and click :hp2.Save:ehp2.. Then delete additional language DLL(s) as desired. :p.:hp2.Settings dialog hotkey:ehp2. :p.Defines the activation hotkey combination to access the &pn. :p.:hp2.Switching to desktop minimizes/hides open windows:ehp2. :p.When enabled, switching to the Desktop will minimize or hide (depending on the type of task and properties) all open windows and sessions. Switching to the Desktop a second time restores the windows and sessions to their previous positions and visibility. :p.:hp2.Change minimization Z-order:ehp2. :p.When minimizing or hiding a task, it will be moved down (behind) one step in the window Z-order. This makes the task just minimized or hidden appear next, after the active task upon accessing the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. or :hp2.&tmtl.:ehp2. again. This option may be overridden for a specific task by holding the left :hp1.Alt:ehp1. key while minimizing or hiding it. :note.By default on OS/2, the task just minimized or hidden becomes the bottom-most window. :p.:hp2.Show &lsw. in &owl.:ehp2. :p.When enabled, :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. will be listed in the &owl., otherwise it is invisible. :note.This setting only applies to the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2.&semi. the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. is never listed in the &owl.. :p.:hp2.Save:ehp2. :p.Saves changes and exits the &pn. :p.:hp2.Hide:ehp2. :p.Exits the &pn. without saving changes. Any changes you have made will persist until &lsw. is restarted or you change them again. :p.:hp2.Help:ehp2. :p.Displays this help guide. :dl tsize=12 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Related&colon.:ehp2. :dd.:link reftype=hd refid='Program Settings'.Program Settings:elink. :edl. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h1 res=30032 id='30032' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Known Problems/Restrictions Only the English and Spanish resources have been thoroughly tested. In versions 2.71 and 2.90, the base English dialogs were extensively reworked. The same syntax changes were made to the other national language dialogs. Some items added to the string tables will appear in English only, until properly translated. :p.If anyone is interested in updating the translations we will be happy to include them in future updates. They should be based on the English dialogs and menus, located in the resource directory in the source code repository at Netlabs, or obtained directly from us. The new help file also needs translation. :p.Under certain circumstances, a "phantom" button may be left on the :hp2.&tb./&wgt.:ehp2.. When this happens, a "phantom" entry is also left in the &owl.. The cause is a PM application started from a VIO which ends with an open VIO window titled Completed&colon. "program name" (e.g., starting Mplayer from Firefox to play a video). This is a long standing bug in PM. The workaround is either to close and restart :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. or to place the name of the window (mplayer.exe for the example above) in the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. exclude list. CPPCheck-gui.exe also causes this problem. :p.Pressing the activation hotkey combination (:hp1.Alt+Tab:ehp1. or :hp1.Ctrl+Tab:ehp1., as configured) in a full screen session and then releasing :hp1.Alt:ehp1. (or :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1.) very quickly may result in the :hp2.&tmtl.:ehp2. not dismissing. Press and release :hp1.Alt:ehp1. (or :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1.) once more to switch to the selected task. :p.Only the left :hp1.Alt:ehp1. (or :hp1.Ctrl:ehp1.) key works for switching in full screen sessions. :p.Minimized or hidden tasks are always restored to the current virtual desktop when using XPager. This is an XPager feature/limitation. :p.This program uses several undocumented operating system features and may not work properly in some system configurations. If you encounter such problems please let us know. :p.The :hp1.Reduce Desktop workarea:ehp1. feature may fail if it has already been called by another program (i.e., XWorkplace). :p.It has been reported that :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. doesn't play well with the SkyScrapper multi-desktop application. :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. was reported to vanish randomly. The current workaround is to use a different virtual desktop application. :p.The program appears to be incompatible with the VShield TSR, which is a part of ViruScan for DOS by Network Associates, Inc. If both :hp2.LSWITCHD.EXE:ehp2. and :hp2.VSHIELD.EXE:ehp2. are loaded in a DOS session, this session may crash after some time. The reason appears to be a bug in VShield's INT08 handler. This is partially confirmed by the fact that VShield reportedly causes crashes in combination with some other programs hooking this interrupt. We have not found a reliable workaround for this problem to date, and as VirusScan for DOS was discontinued sometime before 2007, it is unlikely we will address this issue. :p.Currently, Win-OS/2 full screen sessions are not supported by :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2.. Pressing the default :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.activation key combination:elink. (:hp1.Alt+Tab:ehp1.) from an active Win-OS/2 full screen session will produce the familiar Win-OS/2 task switcher. If :hp1.Ctrl+Tab:ehp1. has been configured as the :link reftype=hd refid='Popup window page 1'.activation key combination:elink., it is also ignored by Win-OS/2 (focus changes to available program groups and running tasks in Program Manager). .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h1 res=30033 id='30033' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Changes See :hp2.History:ehp2. in the installation directory. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h1 res=30034 id='30034' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Acknowledgments The original author&colon. :p.Andrei Los :p.The Netlabs &lsw. Team :p.Andy Willis .br Gregg Young .br Steven Levine .br Lewis Rosenthal .br Alfredo Fern ndez D¡az :p.We would like to thank the following people and projects for comments, suggestions, bug reports, and other feedback&colon. :p.Doug Bissett .br Julian Buss .br Alessandro Cantatore .br Alexander Conon .br "Doodle" .br Ian Douglas .br Don "Freiheit" Eitner .br Tim Erickson .br Alfredo Fern ndez D¡az .br Javier Arias Fern ndez .br Klaus Fuchs .br Michel Goyette .br Cristiano Guadagnino .br Tomas Hajny .br Johann Harrieder .br Mart¡n It£rbide .br Reb James .br Andreas Ludwig .br "Jiki" .br John Martin .br David Mediavilla .br Nenad Milenkovic .br Romulo Silva Neiva .br Nick .br Dmitry Novoseletsky .br Sander Nyman .br Konstantin Okounkov .br Dariusz Piatkowski .br Lech Wiktor Piotrowski .br Henk Pol .br Sergey Posokhov .br Mike Reichel .br Loris Rinaldo .br Antonio Manara Rossini .br Danis Tazetdinov .br Rich Walsh .br Karel Wesseling .br John Wibawa .br Sebastian Wittmeier .br Denis Zavorotny .br Vladislav Zhuk .br The XWorkplace project (the &pd. topic background information was based heavily upon the XWorkplace documentation) https&colon.//trac.netlabs.org/xworkplace :p.Special thanks to the following people who provided translation of the :hp2.README.TXT:ehp2. and program resources and thus made the existence of localized versions of :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. possible&colon. :p.Tomas Hajny &emdash. Czech translation .br Alfredo Fern ndez D¡az &emdash. Spanish translation .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h1 res=30035 id='30035' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Contact Information If you have any comments on this program, please contact the Netlabs &lsw. Group&colon. :p.Gregg Young ygk&atsign.qwest.net .br Andy Willis abwillis1&atsign.gmail.com :p.If you find a defect or wish to request an enhancement please file a ticket at https&colon.//trac.netlabs.org/lswitcher :p.Mailing Lists :p.There are currently two mailing lists for &lsw.&colon. one for users, and one for developers. :p.To subscribe to the developer list&colon. .br Send email to&colon. lswitcher-dev-on&atsign.2rosenthals.com and reply to the confirmation email. :p.To subscribe to the user list&colon. .br Send email to&colon. lswitcher-user-on&atsign.2rosenthals.com and reply to the confirmation email. :p.Web archives of lists are available here&colon. .br http&colon.//lists.2rosenthals.com/lswitcher-dev/List.html .br http&colon.//lists.2rosenthals.com/lswitcher-user/List.html .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h1 res=30036 id='30036' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Copyright &lsw. Version 2.92.0 :p.Copyright &bx0012. 2010-2020 Netlabs &lsw. Team .br Copyright &bx0012. 1997-2009 Andrei Los :p.The full source code is available from https&colon.//svn.netlabs.org/repos/lswitcher/trunk . .br See https&colon.//trac.netlabs.org/lswitcher for details. .* ............................................................................ :h1 res=30039 id='30039' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.License .im gpl2.ipf .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :h1 res=30037 id='30037' x=left y=bottom width=100% height=100%.Notices IBM, OS/2, Presentation Manager, Workplace Shell, and Win-OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. :p.Microsoft, Windows, Win-OS/2, and Program Manager are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. :p.ArcaOS is a trademark of Arca Noae, LLC in the United States and/or other countries. :p.eComStation and eCS are trademarks of Xeu.com BV in The Netherlands and/or other countries. :p.Other products mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :fn id='debug'. :p.We recommend you install Exceptq. It can be found on Hobbes https&colon.//hobbes.nmsu.edu or installed using the Arca Noae Package Manager. With Exceptq installed, the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. will generate a &asterisk..TRP file in the :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. directory if a serious problem occurs. :p.Any errors which the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. may encounter are reported in :hp2.XWPLOG.LOG:ehp2. in the root of the boot volume or in the directory specified by the &percent.LOGFILES&percent. variable in :hp2.CONFIG.SYS:ehp2. (usually, :hp2.<.BootDrive>.&colon.\VAR\LOG:ehp2.). :efn. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :fn id='INI'. :p.:hp2.&tb.:ehp2. settings are saved in :hp2.LSWITCH.INI:ehp2. or in the filename specified in the :hp2./I:ehp2.<.inifilename>. startup switch. This file must be located in the same directory as the program executable. :p.:hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. settings are always saved in :hp2.LSWITCH.INI:ehp2., located in the XCenter widgets directory. :note text='Note 1'.If a full path is specified for <.inifilename>., the file will be read at startup but any attempt to save settings will result in an error message and such changes will :hp1.not:ehp1. be written to the file. :note text='Note 2'.Sharing the :hp2.LSWITCH.INI:ehp2. between the :hp2.&tb.:ehp2. and the :hp2.&wgt.:ehp2. is not recommended. :efn. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :fn id='menu1'. :dl tsize=16 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Switch to&colon.:ehp2. :dd.Omitted for the window currently in focus. :dt.:hp2.Cascade:ehp2. :dd.Omitted for tasks not running on the current virtual desktop. :dt.:hp2.Tile:ehp2. :dd.Omitted for tasks not running on the current virtual desktop. :dt.:hp2.Minimize .br or Hide:ehp2. :dd.Task-dependent. Omitted for tasks not running on the current virtual desktop. :dt.:hp2.Maximize:ehp2. :dd.Omitted for tasks not running on the current virtual desktop. :dt.:hp2.Move:ehp2. :dd.Available for tasks on all virtual desktops. :dt.:hp2.Close:ehp2. :dd.Provides a submenu with two options to close (:hp1.Close:ehp1., :hp1.Quit:ehp1.) and up to two options to kill a running task (:hp1.DosKillProcess:ehp1., :hp1.SIGKILL:ehp1.). :note.:hp1.SIGKILL:ehp1. is only available if :hp1.XF86SUP.SYS:ehp1. or :hp1.CADH.SYS:ehp1. process killer driver is installed. :hp1.XF86SUP.SYS:ehp1. is available on Hobbes&colon. :hp1.CADH.SYS:ehp1. is part of the ArcaOS and eCS default installations. .br https&colon.//hobbes.nmsu.edu/ :dt.:hp2.Priority...:ehp2. :dd.Opens a dialog to allow setting process priority and delta, as well as a checkbox to apply such changes to the task's descendants. See :link reftype=hd refid='30200'.&pd.:elink. for more information. :dt.:hp2.Add filter:ehp2. :dd.Adds selected task to the :hp2.&tb.'s:ehp2. Exclude filters. The task's icon is immediately hidden. :dt.:hp2.&lsw. .br widget:ehp2. .br (:hp1.&wgt. only:ehp1.) :dd.Provides a submenu including :hp1.Properties:ehp1. and :hp1.Help:ehp1., as well as XCenter-specific selections. :edl. :efn. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :fn id='menu2'. :dl tsize=16 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Switch to&colon.:ehp2. :dd.Omitted for the window currently in focus. :dt.:hp2.Move:ehp2. :dd.Available for tasks on all virtual desktops. :dt.:hp2.Close:ehp2. :dd.Provides a submenu with two options to close (:hp1.Close:ehp1., :hp1.Quit:ehp1.) and up to two options to kill a running task (:hp1.DosKillProcess:ehp1., :hp1.SIGKILL:ehp1.). :note.:hp1.SIGKILL:ehp1. is only available if :hp1.XF86SUP.SYS:ehp1. or :hp1.CADH.SYS:ehp1. process killer driver is installed. :hp1.XF86SUP.SYS:ehp1. is available on Hobbes&colon. :hp1.CADH.SYS:ehp1. is part of the Arca OS and eCS default installations. .br http&colon.//hobbes.nmsu.edu/ :dt.:hp2.Priority...:ehp2. :dd.Opens a dialog to allow setting process priority and delta, as well as a checkbox to apply such changes to the task's descendants. See :link reftype=hd refid='30200'.&pd.:elink. for more information. :dt.:hp2.Add filter:ehp2. :dd.Adds selected task to the :hp2.&tb.'s:ehp2. Exclude filters. The task's icon is immediately hidden. :dt.:hp2.&lsw. .br widget:ehp2. .br (:hp1.&wgt. only:ehp1.) :dd.Provides a submenu including :hp1.Properties:ehp1. and :hp1.Help:ehp1., as well as XCenter-specific selections. :edl. :efn. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :fn id='menu3'. :dl tsize=16 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Switch to&colon.:ehp2. :dd.Omitted for the window currently in focus. :dt.:hp2.Close:ehp2. :dd.Provides a submenu with two options to close (:hp1.Close:ehp1., :hp1.Quit:ehp1.) and up to two options to kill a running task (:hp1.DosKillProcess:ehp1., :hp1.SIGKILL:ehp1.). :note.:hp1.SIGKILL:ehp1. is only available if :hp1.XF86SUP.SYS:ehp1. or :hp1.CADH.SYS:ehp1. process killer driver is installed. :hp1.XF86SUP.SYS:ehp1. is available on Hobbes&colon. :hp1.CADH.SYS:ehp1. is part of the Arca OS and eCS default installations. .br http&colon.//hobbes.nmsu.edu/ :dt.:hp2.Priority...:ehp2. :dd.Opens a dialog to allow setting process priority and delta, as well as a checkbox to apply such changes to the task's descendants. See :link reftype=hd refid='30200'.&pd.:elink. for more information. :dt.:hp2.Add filter:ehp2. :dd.Adds selected task to the :hp2.&tb.'s:ehp2. Exclude filters. The task's icon is immediately hidden. :dt.:hp2.&lsw. .br widget:ehp2. .br (:hp1.&wgt. only:ehp1.) :dd.Provides a submenu including :hp1.Properties:ehp1. and :hp1.Help:ehp1., as well as XCenter-specific selections. :edl. :efn. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :fn id='menu4'. :dl tsize=16 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Switch to&colon.:ehp2. :dd.Omitted for the window currently in focus. :dt.:hp2.Show:ehp2. :dd.Unhide hidden task. :dt.:hp2.Cascade:ehp2. :dd.Omitted for tasks not running on the current virtual desktop. :dt.:hp2.Tile:ehp2. :dd.Omitted for tasks not running on the current virtual desktop. :dt.:hp2.Maximize:ehp2. :dd.Omitted for tasks not running on the current virtual desktop. :dt.:hp2.Close:ehp2. :dd.Provides a submenu with two options to close (:hp1.Close:ehp1., :hp1.Quit:ehp1.) and up to two options to kill a running task (:hp1.DosKillProcess:ehp1., :hp1.SIGKILL:ehp1.). :note.:hp1.SIGKILL:ehp1. is only available if :hp1.XF86SUP.SYS:ehp1. or :hp1.CADH.SYS:ehp1. process killer driver is installed. :hp1.XF86SUP.SYS:ehp1. is available on Hobbes&colon. :hp1.CADH.SYS:ehp1. is part of the Arca OS and eCS default installations. .br http&colon.//hobbes.nmsu.edu/ :dt.:hp2.Priority...:ehp2. :dd.Opens a dialog to allow setting process priority and delta, as well as a checkbox to apply such changes to the task's descendants. See :link reftype=hd refid='30200'.&pd.:elink. for more information. :dt.:hp2.Add filter:ehp2. :dd.Adds selected task to the :hp2.&tb.'s:ehp2. Exclude filters. The task's icon is immediately hidden. :dt.:hp2.&lsw. .br widget:ehp2. .br (:hp1.&wgt. only:ehp1.) :dd.Provides a submenu including :hp1.Properties:ehp1. and :hp1.Help:ehp1., as well as XCenter-specific selections. :edl. :efn. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :fn id='menu5'. :dl tsize=16 break=none. :dt.:hp2.Run&colon.:ehp2. .br (:hp1.&tb. only:ehp1.) :dd.Opens a dialog for specifying (or browsing to) an application to start. :dt.:hp2.Properties:ehp2. .br (:hp1.&tb. only:ehp1.) :dd.Opens the :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. &pn.. :dt.:hp2.Help:ehp2. .br (:hp1.&tb. only:ehp1.) :dd.Opens this help file. :dt.:hp2.Quit:ehp2. .br (:hp1.&tb. only:ehp1.) :dd.Exits :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2.. :dt.:hp2.&lsw. .br widget:ehp2. .br (:hp1.&wgt. only:ehp1.) :dd.Provides a submenu including :hp1.Properties:ehp1. and :hp1.Help:ehp1., as well as XCenter-specific selections. :edl. :efn. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :fn id='TSR1'. :p.Every directory in the path from the root to the location of the executable must conform to DOS :hp1.8.3:ehp1. naming conventions (no longer than eight characters, a dot, and a three-character extension). It may be necessary to move or copy :hp2.LSWITCHD.EXE:ehp2. to another location after the WarpIN installation to ensure this. :efn. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :fn id='TSR2'. :p.While it does no harm to load the TSR when :hp2.&lsw.:ehp2. is not active, the enhanced task switching capabilities provided by the :hp2.&lsw.'s &tmtl.:ehp2. will not be available. :efn. .* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :fn id='scrollwheel'. :p.A scrollwheel-aware mouse driver, such as AMouse, is required in order to utilize this functionality. In addition, settings for wheel speed and modifier keys may make scrolling difficult if not impossible to use. :p.For example, if using the default activation key combination (:hp1.Alt+Tab:ehp1.), the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2. must be switched to :hp2.&sm.:ehp2. unless :hp1.Alt+Wheel:ehp1. has been enabled for scrolling. Otherwise, the :hp1.Alt:ehp1. keypress is sent to AMouse as a modifier key. :p.Likewise, wheel speed is critical for proper resolution. AMouse's default wheel speed of 3 will likely result in an inability to easily select a task adjacent to the currently focused one in the :hp2.&pmpw.:ehp2.. :efn. :euserdoc.