Gönderim Listesi os2-netware_users@2rosenthals.com Ar?ivleri
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Lewis G Rosenthal  SMS with >2GB file backup  1977   27-Mar-10  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Backup MX issues; Happy New Year  1989   28-Ara-07  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Maintenance complete  1813   19-?ub-07  
Lewis G Rosenthal  System Maintenance tonight: 12:00am - 1:00am  1734   18-?ub-07  
Lewis G Rosenthal  OT: Phoney Domain Registration scams  2728   15-?ub-07  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Delayed mail sent to recipients on the t-online.de domain  1845   06-?ub-07  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Network status update  1861   31-Oca-07  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Network status update  2647   31-Oca-07  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Network status update  2100   30-Oca-07  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Network status update  1741   30-Oca-07  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Possible sluggishness due to Verizon DSL issues  2856   29-Oca-07  
Lewis G Rosenthal  List archives now migrated to CommuniGate Pro  2705   27-Tem-06  
Lewis G Rosenthal  New list archives available on the web  1639   27-Mar-06  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Test message from CommuniGate Pro  930   26-Mar-06  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] Transfer of mailing list to CommuniGate Pro  3971   26-Mar-06  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] Novell ATT Live  8191   14-Ara-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] Client support in development and planning stages  4502   12-Eki-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] Reply to Get Nearest Server fun  5016   26-Haz-05  
Nemes Szabolcs  [OS2NetWare] Reply to Get Nearest Server fun  3136   25-Haz-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] Reply to Get Nearest Server fun  5580   25-Haz-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] BorderM. auth.  4441   25-Haz-05  
Nemes Szabolcs  [OS2NetWare] BorderM. auth.  4057   23-Haz-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] BorderM. auth.  4825   23-Haz-05  
Nemes Szabolcs  [OS2NetWare] BorderM. auth.  3761   23-Haz-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] BorderM. auth.  4555   22-Haz-05  
Nemes Szabolcs  [OS2NetWare] BorderM. auth.  3728   21-Haz-05  
William Price  [OS2NetWare] SYS0255 errors copying from NW 6.5 to 2.12 requester  3395   13-Haz-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] SYS0255 errors copying from NW 6.5 to 2.12 requester  2872   11-Haz-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] LFN  3913   18-May-05  
Nemes Szabolcs  [OS2NetWare] LFN  2849   18-May-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] LFN  5016   14-May-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] Bordermanager VPN client for OS/2  3596   10-May-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] Developer's conference in Dresden, Germany - July, 2005  5100   06-May-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] Server downtime scheduled for tonight at 11pm  2795   05-?ub-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] LFN  4258   31-Oca-05  
Nemes Szabolcs  [OS2NetWare] LFN  3241   18-Oca-05  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] Re: Two NICs w/IPX bound; second doesn't work  4215   08-Ara-04  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] [Fwd: [Warpstock] Warpstock 2004 Poll announcement]  8946   22-Kas-04  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] Re: Two NICs w/IPX bound; second doesn't work  6012   21-Kas-04  
Michael Warmuth  [OS2NetWare] Re: Two NICs w/IPX bound; second doesn't work  3843   21-Kas-04  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] Two NICs w/IPX bound; second doesn't work  3058   19-Kas-04  
Vaughn Bender  [OS2NetWare] Two NICs w/IPX bound; second doesn't work  4156   19-Kas-04  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] Two NICs w/IPX bound; second doesn't work  4326   19-Kas-04  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] Anyone tried SAMBA to access NetWare CIFS?  5882   07-Kas-04  
Vaughn Bender  [OS2NetWare] NetStorage & Netdrive  3549   27-Eki-04  
Tom Trippaers  [OS2NetWare] NetStorage & Netdrive  2792   27-Eki-04  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] iPrint, anyone?  5288   14-Eki-04  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] NOVELL: Running RConsoleJ on OS/2 (NetWare Cool Solutions)  4460   14-Eki-04  
Vaughn Bender  [OS2NetWare] NOVELL: Running RConsoleJ on OS/2 (NetWare Cool Solutions)  3454   14-Eki-04  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OS2NetWare] NOVELL: Running RConsoleJ on OS/2 (NetWare Cool Solutions)  3438   14-Eki-04  

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