Mailing List Archived Message #109

From: "Vaughn Bender" <> Full Headers
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Sender: os2-netware_users-owner <>
Subject: OS/2-NetWare Users List: Wireless Message)
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 12:35:57 EST5EDT4,M4.1,M10.5
To: "" <>


I logged into Netware via the browser using the   http://ipaddress:8008   or it can be 8009   and I check my login info for my eCS
system and here is what it said ....which reinforces the fact that the OLD  Netware client for OS/2 only logs in in  Bindery

Connection 42
Login Status Normal
Authentication Method Bindery
Login time Friday, June 13, 2003 9:37 am
Privileges Supervisor
Connection Type NCP via IPX
Network Address IPX BF740BE5.C0AC840D

I can see objects in NWADMIN as well but Netware still says I am only logged in in Bindery
You can check it out and see for yourself


On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 10:23:23 EST5EDT4,M4.1,M10.5, Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:

>Basically, it recognizes users, printers, print servers, queues,
>servers, and volumes. None of the newer stuff, as snapins were never
>created for it. I had a conversation once with Paul Franz about this,
>inquiring as to whether the Win32 snapins would work, but he told me
>that the architecture was completely different.
>All that aside, if we had a decent IP client, ConsoleOne would work even
>better than NWAdmin (we can run it now, we just can't see any objects!).
>It's much more flexible than NWAdmin, and certainly the direction in
>which Novell is headed.
>It's NWTools which is of more use to us. That, fortunately, does work
>well for browsing, logging in, capturing, and even sending broadcast
>Vaughn Bender wrote:
>>what I found is if I type  cx at the prompt, and then go into nwadmin for eCS..........sure I get the tree, but as I said NWADMIN is
>>pretty much useless, it only recognizes about a third of the objects,
>>No Novell licensing, or Zenworks, or, or , or , or, you can check rights to the objects it recognizes but that is about it.
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>Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA
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                            Certified Netware Engineer

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