X-Account-Key: account1 X-UIDL: 43268 Return-Path: os2-netware_users-owner@2rosenthals.com Received: from (hawking []) by 2rosenthals.com (Hethmon Brothers Smtpd) id 20050119025533-20585-7 ; Wed, 19 Jan 2005 02:55:33 -0500 (Hethmon Brothers Smtpd) id 20050119025531-44536-8 ; Wed, 19 Jan 2005 02:55:32 -0500 Received: from mx1.mailhop.org ([]) by mxout1.mailhop.org with esmtp (Exim 4.43) id 1CrAgd-0005GQ-2t for os2-netware_users@2rosenthals.com; Wed, 19 Jan 2005 02:55:31 -0500 Received: from fe04.axelero.hu ([] helo=amitabha.axelero.hu) by mx1.mailhop.org with esmtp (Exim 4.42) id 1CrAgc-000ElE-LA for os2-netware_users@2rosenthals.com; Wed, 19 Jan 2005 02:55:30 -0500 Received: from amitabha (localhost-02 []) by amitabha.axelero.hu (8.12.11/8.12.11) with SMTP id j0J7tSr0005759 for ; Wed, 19 Jan 2005 08:55:29 +0100 (CET) Received: from fe04.axelero.hu [] via SMTP gateway by amitabha []; id A0164F651ED at Wed, 19 Jan 2005 08:55:27 +0100 Received: from snoble (justice-gate.justice.hu []) by fe04.axelero.hu (8.12.11/8.12.11) with ESMTP id j0J7tAh6004789 for ; Wed, 19 Jan 2005 08:55:23 +0100 (CET) Message-Id: <200501190755.j0J7tAh6004789@fe04.axelero.hu> X-Mailer: PMMail 2.20.2382 for OS/2 Warp 4.5 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-2" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mail-Handler: MailHop by DynDNS.org X-Spam-Score: -1.7 (-) Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 08:55:06 +0100 (CET) Sender: os2-netware_users-owner X-Listname: os2-netware_users@2rosenthals.com Reply-To: os2-netware_users@2rosenthals.com From: "Nemes Szabolcs" To: "OS/2 NW-users" Subject: [OS2NetWare] LFN X-List-Unsubscribe: Send email to os2-netware_users-request@2rosenthals.com X-List-Owner: os2-netware_users-owner@2rosenthals.com Hi! I'm using Warp4/FP15 with the latest nw-client about 10years. The NW-servers are 5.1/6.5, with latest SP-s. Yesterday i've stunned seen, that the long filenames on the nw-servers are "gone", all files are in "someth~1.txt" format. My warp was "up" 2 weeks or so (the server more than a week), every other tasks/etc. worked fine. On the server everything (e.g. the LONG name space) was OK, from the other ws-s the filenames was correct. What have been happen? Have you ever seen something like this? Nemes Szabolcs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to steward@2rosenthals.com with the command "unsubscribe os2-netware_users" in the body (omit the quotes). For help with other commands, send a message to steward@2rosenthals.com with the command "help" in the body (omit the quotes). This list is hosted by Rosenthal & Rosenthal P.O. Box 281, Deer Park, NY 11729-0281. Non- electronic communications related to content contained in these messages should be directed to the above address. (CAN-SPAM Act of 2003) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=