Archivi liste di spedizione os2-wireless_users@^
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6933 messaggi   messaggio precedente   51-100 di 6933   messaggio successivo  
Lewis G Rosenthal  [OT] Warpstock presentations (was: Re: [OS2Wireless] UPS and stuff)  7154   31-Ago-10  
Dave Saville  Re: [OS2Wireless] UPS and stuff  2458   31-Ago-10  
Dave Saville  UPS and stuff  1873   31-Ago-10  
Andy Willis  Re: [OS2Wireless] eCS 2.0 GA WPA supplicant  6158   29-Ago-10  
Norm Metcalf  Fwd: WPA Supplicant suggestions  2203   29-Ago-10  
Will Honea  Re: [OS2Wireless] eCS 2.0 GA WPA supplicant  3238   29-Ago-10  
Chuck McKinnis  Re: [OS2Wireless] eCS 2.0 GA WPA supplicant  5285   29-Ago-10  
Will Honea  Re: [OS2Wireless] eCS 2.0 GA WPA supplicant  5289   29-Ago-10  
Chuck McKinnis  Re: [OS2Wireless] eCS 2.0 GA WPA supplicant  3675   29-Ago-10  
J R FOX  WPA-2 Streaming Connection via Linksys Router  4522   29-Ago-10  
Norm Metcalf  Re: [OS2Wireless] eCS 2.0 GA WPA supplicant  2646   28-Ago-10  
Chuck McKinnis  Re: [OS2Wireless] eCS 2.0 GA WPA supplicant  2692   28-Ago-10  
Norm Metcalf  eCS 2.0 GA WPA supplicant  2373   28-Ago-10  
J R FOX  Connecting through WPA-2 | Signal Boost Options  5369   18-Ago-10  
Sam Lewis  O.T. DiNK?  2295   14-Ago-10  
Jan van Wijk  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  1690   05-Ago-10  
Stan Sidlov  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  5585   04-Ago-10  
Lewis G Rosenthal  CLEAR Spot 4G+ (was: Re: [OS2Wireless] AP does not like client)  5268   03-Ago-10  
Sam Lewis  Re: [OS2Wireless] AP does not like client  8576   02-Ago-10  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Re: [OS2Wireless] AP does not like client  3418   02-Ago-10  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  2649   02-Ago-10  
Jan van Wijk  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  1620   02-Ago-10  
Sam Lewis  Re: [OS2Wireless] AP does not like client  3488   01-Ago-10  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Re: [OS2Wireless] AP does not like client  5309   01-Ago-10  
Ed Durrant  Re: [OS2Wireless] AP does not like client  5395   01-Ago-10  
Leon D. Zetekoff  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  9376   01-Ago-10  
Stan Sidlov  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  7847   01-Ago-10  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  3692   01-Ago-10  
Leon D. Zetekoff  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  6303   01-Ago-10  
Stan Sidlov  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  5472   01-Ago-10  
Lewis G Rosenthal  AP does not like client  3048   01-Ago-10  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  2820   01-Ago-10  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  5192   01-Ago-10  
Stan Sidlov  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  5224   01-Ago-10  
Jan van Wijk  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  3526   01-Ago-10  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  3867   31-Lug-10  
Chuck McKinnis  Re: [OS2Wireless] Does this work under OS/2-eCS  2864   26-Lug-10  
driven_zen  Does this work under OS/2-eCS  3195   26-Lug-10  
Aron Eisenpress  Re: [OS2Wireless] miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  3389   12-Lug-10  
Jan van Wijk  miniPCI wireless card compatibility, older and newer Thinkpads  91K   12-Lug-10  
Chuck McKinnis  Re: [OS2Wireless] Hotel problem with Asus wl-330ge  2600   02-Lug-10  
Bob  Re: [OS2Wireless] Hotel problem with Asus wl-330ge  4037   02-Lug-10  
Dave Saville  Re: [OS2Wireless] Hotel problem with Asus wl-330ge  3517   02-Lug-10  
Neil Waldhauer  Re: [OS2Wireless] ECS 2.0 and genmac  2493   03-Giu-10  
Paul Smedley  Re: [OS2Wireless] ECS 2.0 and genmac  2393   03-Giu-10  
Dave Saville  ECS 2.0 and genmac  2034   03-Giu-10  
Dave Saville  Re: [OS2Wireless] Hotel problem with Asus wl-330ge  3183   29-Mag-10  
driven_zen  Is any of these wireless items of particular value?  3140   22-Apr-10  
Dave Saville  Re: [OS2Wireless] The OT "electrical protection" thread  2547   21-Apr-10  
Will Honea  Re: [OS2Wireless] The OT "electrical protection" thread  4360   21-Apr-10  

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