OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>
Sounds like a resource conflict to me.
Either some HW has gone bad or SOMETHING did change on
your box.
Check out the timestamps on all files involved.
--- John Poltorak <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>
> Can anyone suggest why a machine which has been
> working perfectly well
> suddenly hangs during bootup while loading
> This happened to me yesterday with a Thinkpad 600
> which I've had for
> several years. If I comment out the line in
> it boots fine, but obviously without network
> capability. If I leave it in,
> it hangs within 10 secs of booting whilst displaying
> that IBM2SS14.SYS is
> being loaded (using Alt-F2 at boot).
> I have tried changing the version of the driver, as
> well as Dani's
> versions of the driver to no avail.
> Could this be some sort of hardware problem?
> --
> John
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