os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #1062 | torna alla lista |
Progress!You're quite welcome. I still wish I knew exactly what that option turns on.
Adding "stacks32" to protocol.ini cured the trap0008 problem. Thank you
very much.
I still have one problem:Hmmm... Two separate issues:
When I went to install the GENMac driver, I removed the driver for the
Wired LAN card. MPTS shows only:
Genmac wrapper Atheros wlan
But when I boot, I get an error message:
Net 3406 net1=tcpbeui$
Net 3406 net2 = netbeui$
Sys1719 Netwksta.200 does not contain a valid device driver.
After booting, when I click on the Wlan widgit, it says:
No Wlan driver installed.
I looked at protocol.ini, but there are no other drivers listed there.
In <list-287471@2rosenthals.com>, on 08/13/06 at 06:05 PM, "Lewis G Rosenthal" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>
On 08/11/06 05:12 pm, Sandy Shapiro thus wrote :
In <list-282412@2rosenthals.com>, on 08/10/06 at 06:22 PM, "Rick R." <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> said:<snip>
TRAP008 may indicate an interrupt conflict (it is most definitely a hardware issue). Try remming out your UNIAUD (or other audio driver) statements in CONFIG.SYS and see what you get. Also, try adding OPTIONS = "STACK32" to your PROTOCOL.INI at the end of your GenMAC driver section (don't ask, as I'm still foggy on this setting, but some have reported that it cured several issues). The UNIAUD troubleshooting tip comes from the GenMAC list (the later builds of the driver seem to beThen check when crash occurs.The GenMac driver loads normally. Then a few more drivers load so quickly
The GenMAC driver(s) must be loaded before
that I can't read them before the trap 8 crash (I think it may be the
PM.EXE that I see last, but I can't be sure).
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