** Reply to message from "Lewis G Rosenthal"
<os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 21:41:30 -0400
In case it got overlooked, if there is any substantial REXX activity you can
easily get the SOCKET.SYS message - REXX has a bad habit of not closing sockets
until the top level program is closed. This has been around for a while.
BTW, a company I worked for was running DB2 servers on Warp Server then WSeB.
Were were serving 5 customer service centers nation wide with something in the
neighborhood of 500k queries per server per day and the only resets were a
company policy reset once a week. The tcpip stack may be a bit klunky but
unstable is not one of its characteristics!
> In all of that, you still didn't give me the actual trap message you're
> seeing. You did, however, reiterate that you had (an) issue(s) with
> SOCKETS.SYS before, and so you did probably bring over some skeletons
> in the closet.
> On 08/13/06 08:16 pm, Rick R. thus wrote :
> > This one is going to be LOOON as well, sorry.
> >
> > Lewis, when people tell me that its in essence "my fault", even so
> > those SOCKET.SYS crashes are both unacceptable SW flaws and should not
> > be happening any more AS I PATCHED EACH AND EVERY DRIVER that the
> > official IBM bug report claims needs patching, then I recon I got the
> > right to respond picky after I just lived through 48 hours of CONSTANT
> >
> NO, that doesn't give you the right to do anything of the sort. This is
> *my* list, and bad behavior is simply not something to be tolerated. The
> very fact that this topic is afield from wireless networking (as it
> deals with a problem common to your wired interface) means that it
> continues solely at my discretion.
> H-ll, if I took out on everyone here who gives me advice when I have a
> bad day, nobody would be talking to me. I say this as someone who is
> routinely direct and to the point (I inherited my father's distinct lack
> of tact; character flaw or dynamism, only time will tell). However, I do
> not - ever - insult those people who offer their advice to me, whether I
> find it useful or not. If it is something which appears to be totally
> off-base, I simply do not respond.
> > That everyone else got to read that, too, I'm sorry for, but that's
> > the nature of this mailing list - if I could have addressed my reply
> > to just one person then I would have.
> > Neil's reply was both utterly unhelpful as insulting by itself.
> > To tell someone whose driver's won't work: "go to eBay and buy a
> > Thinkpad", is about as helpful as telling a guy whose car won't start
> > on his way to work: "go to eBay and buy a new car" - Heellooo, help me
> > get my car running please or just keep smiling.
> > But don't give me advise that is more like advice.
> >
> If you're driving a patched together VW Beetle which constantly stalled,
> sputtered, and squeaked, you might very well get the advice to get
> another car; it's not out of the question.
> > That I already have a Thinkpad and have been using TPs for the last 5
> > years is just an added "bonus" here.
> > In any case, there are no "skeletons" in my closet.
> > I had those SOCKET.SYS crashes for years and I applied all the patches
> > I could find on the Internet to get rid of them.
> >
> And did you "get rid of them?" Most of us have not suffered through such
> stack issues "for years," which leads me to believe that this is
> something else in your setup. My brother gets constant crashes in
> SeaMonkey. There's nothing wrong with SeaMonkey, as I keep reminding
> him; his profile is corrupt and needs to be rebuilt.
> > I patched single files, I patched the entire package, I checked time
> > stamps by hand.
> > Sometimes it seemed to work, only to then start crashing again
> > (sometimes 2-3 weeks later).
> >
> Maybe after you ran something else...?
> > So I accepted having to live with just the occosanial crash every now
> > and then.
> > But now I installed VPN tunnel and other SW that keeps my Internet
> > connection bz all the time.
> > I have to down- & upload gigabytes of files and the result is CRASHES,
> > Those XPIs only increased NW traffic, but that should not cause the
> > stack to blow.
> >
> Nope, it surely should not. You did not mention anything about a VPN
> connection before. Could we just try to troubleshoot the problem with a
> bare TCP/IP config for a single adapter and a stripped down CONFIG.SYS?
> > So when people just blamed it on the XPIs, as "a quick way out", I
> > thought that was less than helpful.
> >
> "People" as in...who? I didn't. Neil didn't. Andy didn't. Steve didn't.
> > I don't need a flawless box, but how can I dare to use my system for
> > work if it crashes all the time? I'm a computer consultant and that
> > just makes me look foolish.
> I'm a computer consultant, too. I understand. However, I try to
> approach my system as I approach my clients' systems, by remaining calm
> and going through things methodically, using a very simple setup at
> first. Simplicity is the key. Blaming the software for what may very
> well be the fault of something else - as the rest of us are not seeing
> what you are seeing - is simply unprofessional.
> >
> > And no, there are no RAM or "hairline crack" isues here.
> > Both my Windoze a my TCP/IP stackless OS/2 maintenance partition work
> > completely w/o crashes after using them for hours or even days at a time.
> >
> You did not mention that you even had Windows installed on the system
> before, so again, without the whole story, how can you expect better
> feedback for your problem?
> > And migrating from an A30 to a T42p is really quite simple under OS/2.
> > I just de-installed all HW specific drivers (LAN, WiFi, sound & USB),
> > reset video to VGA and then did a partition copy with DFS.
> > Afterwards I installed those drivers again, changed some settings in
> > config.sys and I was in business.
> >
> Yes, that works, however, it's not necessarily the best way, and often
> exposes previous flaws in the configuration. Again, I would suggest a
> spare drive with a clean install to use as a baseline comparison.
> > And no, no one ever told me I could just "migrate my system to eCS".
> > Instead they told me that I'd loose most of my current configurarion
> > as the eCS install is an INSTALL, not a migration tool.
> > My setup is very complex, both on WPS, as on config.sys and CMD level.
> >
> So is mine.
> > I use 4OS2 heavily, together with a complex TVFS tree and online
> > encryption.
> "Online encryption?" You mean like Cryptstream? Or some other 3DES (or
> similar) VPN encryption which rides over TCP?
> > I have over a dozen different file systems emulated on my box, I use
> > Win32 and Unix tools seamless on it as well.
> > I use XFree86/2 together with HobLink's X11 and 4 different Java
> > implementations.
> > I have Oracle, Sybase, DB/2 and MySQL running on my system, together
> > with gcc, VisualC++, Pascal, Forth, Fortran, COBOL and SlickEdit.
> > I use OpenOffice, Lotus SmartSuite and Lotus Net, together with Maul,
> > Papyrus and then some. And and and.
> >
> Okay, so again, I say that you need to troubleshoot on a clean, plain
> vanilla setup. Yes, it's time-consuming. Rome wasn't built in a day, and
> neither was your current OS/2 setup. Fixing it may very well take more
> than a day, as well.
> > When I asked if I could keep my current configuration or would risk
> > loosing it, I was told I'd likely end up with a new install for most
> > of those.
> >
> Told...by whom? And what - aside from time - is wrong with a fresh
> install of some apps?
> > I don't think so. But I did purchase both an eCS1.2 and 2.x license
> > and I applied all the patches from Serenity's website for years now
> > (the TCP/IP patches as well!).
> >
> > So I really wonder what eCS 1.2 has that my current OS/2 box doesn't?
> I couldn't rightly say, but for those of us running 1.2 and not
> experiencing your problem, I'd say that, at least.
> > Maybe you can educate me about any specific functionallity I'm missing
> > here and I haven't seen any production release of 2.0 yet.
> There is no production release of 2.0 at this point. Functionally, I
> don't know. There comes a point, however, when a fresh install is good
> for the soul. I did it with the T43, after inheriting my T20 install on
> my T30. I just didn't want to have to take all that baggage with me to
> the new hardware this time, so I just bit the bullet and did it, and I'm
> glad I did.
> I really don't want to continue this rapidly downhill sliding OT
> discussion. If Roderick has offered his assistance either on- or
> off-list, then that's great; you should probably follow up with him (he
> does a good portion of the eCS support, anyhow, and surely has a more
> direct line to get issues addressed - should they be required - than I).
> Why don't you post back to a fresh thread after you and Roderick have a
> chance to go through some things? For reference, as I see you asked him
> for it, Roderick's email address is rwklein [AT] mensys <dot> nl. Best
> of luck with this.
> <snip>
> --
> Lewis
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
> Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC
> Accountants / Network Consultants
> New York / Northern Virginia www.2rosenthals.com
> eComStation Consultants www.ecomstation.com
> Novell Users Int'l www.novell.com/openenterpriseserver
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