os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #1185

???: "John W. Edwards" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> ?? ????
??: Re: [OS2Wireless]Thinkpad 2687-D3U
??: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 00:18:40 -0400 (EDT)
??: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:04:24 +0700, Jeffrey Race wrote:

>Anyone running ecs on this thinkpad? Results?
>What is the keyboard like?
>jeffrey race


I am running a ThinkPad T43 model 2687-D8U. I have found it quite a
bit better than the T22 that I used to run. As to the keyboard, I
find it to be about the same as the T22. There are a couple of extra
keys that are of use only when running Windows Internet Explorer.
These are for Back and Forward in the browser. The only change in the
key layout that caused me a problem in the beginning was the third
trackpoint button which was moved from below the other two buttons to
in the middle between them. The T43 also has a touch pad as well as
the touchpoint each of which is controllable from the BIOS.

As Lewis pointed out the Winmodem does not have drivers available. I
have used the wireless networking maily with 802.11g and had the same
loss of connection that Lewis reported. Sometimes it can be resolved
by switching the radio off and then on or at worst by a reboot. I
have also used the wired ethernet successfully.

I have also upgraded the hard drive to a Travelstar 100GB 7200 rpm
(not from IBM or Lenovo) but have not noticed the heat build-up to
any great extent. This drive does however give a BIOS error 2010
which tell you that the drive is not compatable. I contacted Hitashi
support (they make both drives) and was informed that the error
message is a result of the drive firmware that IBM modified. I tested
the drive and found no errors and it has been quite reliable.

I notice from the specs that the only differences between the
2687-D3U and the 2687-D8U are:
1) The D3U has a fingerprint reader for security (I have not seem
OS/2 drivers)
2) The battery is a 9-cell instead of a 6-cell which should provide
longer work time (5.4 hours vs 3.6 hours as rated by the

I hope that this info helps.


John W. Edwards                          Team OS/2 (Canada)
jwe@sentex.net                             K-W OS/2 Users Group
President, Warpstock Corporation   Secretary, V.O.I.C.E.

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