Mailing List Archived Message #1417

From: "Jeroen Besse" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless]104-bit WEP Key
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 23:24:51 +0200
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>

On 9/28/06, Hakan <> wrote:
I recently came across a situation with a router that required a
104-bit WEP key.  I was told the router was a "travel" router, not
being capable of 128-bit WEP encryption.  I could not get it to work
using the assigned shorter key with eCS in 128-bit encryption mode.

If my information -- which I consider reliable -- is correct, can we
have 104-bit encryption added?

It might be the same as 128bit; I recall some info that, out of the
128 bits, only 104 bits are really a 'key', as the other bits were too
simple to figure out. So, 128bit and 104bit might be two terms for the
same thing.

The key I use for my '128bit' WEP encryption at home is 13 hex bytes
long... 104 bit!

Best regards,
Jeroen Besse

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