Archivovaná správa #1429 diskusnej skupiny

Od: "Stuart Updike" <> Celá hlavi?ka
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Hlavi?ka: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: 3G Cards - PC 5220 and Verizon
Dátum: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 10:49:07 -0500
Komu: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Andy Willis wrote:
That I know of, there was only one cellular connection (USB) that connected to the verizon network (IIRC) that Mark Abrahamson and Steve Levine got working but I don't think that card is sold anymore (at least this time last year it didn't seem to be in use) and I don't recall anything about 3G being involved.
I am not familiar with 3G, but I've been using the PC 5220 card with Verizon for over a year now.  It is EVDO.  That is the card that Mark Abramowitz worked on.   When I became interested in the 5220,  I asked my Verizon store manager if I could try it out with eCS for 30 days and get my money back if I could not get it to work.  He said okay.  The next generation of that card is now in use, but I have not had the time to check it out.

In the beginning, the coverage was sort of spotty, but now it works pretty much everywhere I go, except Oklahoma City.  Verizon advertises that it will give near broadband speeds in EVDO areas and fall fall back to about twice as fast as dial-up in non-EVDO areas.  If you want to see your areas of interest, you can go to Verizon's web site and search for Broadband Access.  It has been my experience that the card really only works in the Broadband Access areas.  If you expect speeds approximately halfway between dial-up and broadband, you will be generally pleased.

With regard to speeds, since many times the delays in loading web pages are caused by overloaded servers, etc, I don't notice much difference in speed between my 5220 and my DSL line when browsing, but if you're going to download the latest eCS 2.0 ISO, you will probably still prefer the DSL.

If I can be of help, it would be my pleasure,

Stu Updike
Bedford, Texas

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