On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 23:40:17 -0700 (PDT), Rick R. wrote:
>For all of us who can't attend WarpStock, will you make those session scripts available
As usual, the presentations slides will be made available at some time after the event.
However, the real issue is how is Warpstock going to continue with everyone saying that
they 'can't attend' -- I'm not picking on you, but as someone who is/was involved for 9
years with Warpstock, the thinking that the information will be available and it's not
important for me to attend has to change or Warpstock (in the US) is going to go away. We
have this guy Sheldon on the Warpstock Public list, who has his own agenda, won't/can't
attend, but keeps asking and saying that Warpstock should do this or that with something
that suits him in particular, and that the information should be made freely available.
It's absurd, IMHO.
Warpstock has booked John Dvorak of PCMag et al, to speak this year. This is the first
major speaker since John Coffee in '99. Dvorak's going to come, and a week later he's
going to write, 'OS/2 must be really dead, as less than a hundred people, mostly aged over
60 and retired, attended what was billed as a worldwide conference....' and what will
happen as a result is that Warpstock US will be dead.