os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #149

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Oggetto: Re: [OS2Wireless] Hotspot Detectors
Data: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 12:51:11 +0800
A: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

On Sun, 2008-04-20 at 16:52 -0700, Ray Davison wrote:
> Hakan wrote:
> > Can anyone suggest/recommend a device to detect the presence of public
> > WiFi-nets so that it is not necessary to turn on the computer and boot
> > in order to find out if there are any hotspots nearby?
> >
> > The ideal device should be small, have a display that shows the name(s)
> > of the available nets if any found, and be cheap...
> I have one.  It is small and didn't cost much.  But I do not use it.  It
> will tell you there is something out there, but no clue as to what.  I
> just don't find it to be that useful.
> Ray

Hi OS/2WL Users
I am a very early user of this first Kensington Hotspot Detector !
Hotsports were rare that time and only b's with little security like WAP
and WEP's !!
At that time they were quite helpful to detect what was
available !!! ;-D

I haven't used mine for many years already and
well, time doesn't stand still and so is development. ;-)

Now, we have (Hot-)Spots everywhere and still some are NOT secured. ;-))
Like this a display showing secured or not is really helpful.

In the meantime my habits changed too:
I am not carrying the notebook and any Hotspot detectors anymore ! ;-)
For most important e-mail access I use a more mobile/portable
PDA !! ;-))
More comfortable !!! ;-D

However the  Trendnet Wireless G USB Adapter TEW-429UF with its 512MB
storageis genial !!
Myself I would prefer one with Wireless G plus B indeed !

Cheers, svobi

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