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Zadeva: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Tales of my two-day Wi-Fi workshop in Milpitas, CA
Datum: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 20:43:42 -0400
Za: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

On 09/30/06 Rick R. wrote:
Put in somewhere in the US midwest, and then its the same distance for everyone.
Denver, Phoenix, ABQ, or Dallas.
And if you think Europeans have a hard time getting into the US these days, then try Europeans (or any foreigner) criss crossing from the US to Canada and back!
Do you know they can deny you re-entry into the US w/o any reason, visa or no visa?
This has already happened to two IT worker from India here.
One day while the two where travelling, his friend was told that he couldn't come accross the border no more. Just like that.
Imagine you get stuck over there in CA, and your only valid visa is for the US.
But the US won't allow you back in no more and you can't even find out why.
Those US border guards make these decision arbitrary and w/o recourse.
If you tell them you're attending Warpstock, they might think you're planning a Hippie rebellion or go to Canada to smoke pot. No kidding here...

No matter where it is located there will be people with issues, but I have to say the non-US citizens we were thinking of when we considered site locations were Europeans in Europe as they represent the largest group of OS/2-eCS users left.   These folks had a large presence in most of the earlier events up until about 2001-2002 then it tailed off dramatically. There are actually a lot of determining factors involved, but as Andy points out, unless someone makes a bid a site can't be considered.



 From the eComStation Desktop of: Mark Dodel

 Warpstock 2006 - Windsor, Ontario, Canada, October 12-15th, http://www.warpstock.org
 Warpstock Europe - http://www.warpstock.net

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