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Od: "Rick R." <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Glava
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Zadeva: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Video Conferencing for WarpStock
Datum: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 23:44:14 -0700 (PDT)
Za: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

Your "reasoning" makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.
The Linux folks are able to do this stuff on a regular basis.
Heck, even the Amiga people have themselves real time video feeds.
And online attendance would provide >no benefit to the event<?
So its OK to bitch at people who can't attend WarpStock, but if someone makes a reasonable suggestion to allow folks to participate online, then its just refused outright?!
To be brutally honest, after my VERY negative experience with WarpStock Dresden, where they silently(!) oversold the after hour events and then told people like myself "sorry, no more room left. you have to stay outside" THE MINUTE BEFORE THE EVENT WAS TO START, I really don't feel that motivated to drive all the way up to Canada in the 1st place.
And one more time, since even the Amiga people can afford live video feeds (I downloaded some of those myself and they are damn good) I really don't accept your excuses.
If its a cost issue, then ask for donations. I said many times that I'm ready pay an attendance fee for this - and I'm sure would many others.
But if WarpStock simply refuses to go with the times and modernize, then well maybe it should no longer exist. Who needs a conference of Dinosaurs?!

madodel <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> wrote:
On 09/30/06 Rick R. wrote:
> Not sure why I didn't think of this earlier (or why nobody @
> Warpstock did!).
> But why don't you set up a VideoConference for WarpStock over the WWW?
> There are Java based solutions that work under OS/2.
> Heck, you can even use a Webcam for live video streaming under OS/2
> (IP Cam based).
> I use all those myself.
> But for those of basic means amongst us -
> You could set up a web portal so that people still pay an "entry fee"
> to get in.
> That way all they needed to attend would be a web browser and the
> MPEG or FLASH plug-in. I think even WarpVision might work here.
> They could submit their questions in turn either via e-mail or voice
> stream.
> No camera needed on the other side.
> Just like a cyber chat session. If you project the questions on a
> white board, then Mr. Dvorac could see for himself how huge the OS/2
> audience really is.
> Now I could manage that, monitor my system gauges in one Desktop and
> follow WarpStock on the other.
> That way everybody wins!

Actually we have tried using volunteers to videotape the sessions and the
result was worthless. I still have the videotapes in my office from the
2000 event in Philly. We had the plenary sessions go out over realplayer
in 1999 in Atlanta and almost no one could get Realplayer to work and the
feed was slow and unreliable and you couldn't hear much of anything. And
that was with professional equipment of the time. To do it right would
require expensive equipment and people who know what they are doing to run
it. There is no benefit to Warpstock for this unless someone pays for the
equipment and provides the people to run it. Otherwise it is just a
negative encouraging people to not attend. And even if we could do all
that and do it well what is the benefit to the event?



From the eComStation Desktop of: Mark Dodel

Warpstock 2006 - Windsor, Ontario, Canada, October 12-15th,
Warpstock Europe - http://www.warpstock.net

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