Mailing List Archived Message #1499

From: "Stuart Gray" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Video Conferencing for WarpStock
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2006 09:51:53 +0100
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Rick R. wrote:
Your "reasoning" makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.
The Linux folks are able to do this stuff on a regular basis.
Heck, even the Amiga people have themselves real time video feeds.
And online attendance would provide >no benefit to the event<?
So its OK to bitch at people who can't attend WarpStock, but if someone makes a reasonable suggestion to allow folks to participate online, then its just refused outright?!
To be brutally honest, after my VERY negative experience with WarpStock Dresden, where they silently(!) oversold the after hour events and then told people like myself "sorry, no more room left. you have to stay outside" THE MINUTE BEFORE THE EVENT WAS TO START, I really don't feel that motivated to drive all the way up to Canada in the 1st place.
And one more time, since even the Amiga people can afford live video feeds (I downloaded some of those myself and they are damn good) I really don't accept your excuses.
If its a cost issue, then ask for donations. I said many times that I'm ready pay an attendance fee for this - and I'm sure would many others.
But if WarpStock simply refuses to go with the times and modernize, then well maybe it should no longer exist. Who needs a conference of Dinosaurs?!

Y'know, I'd be interested in participating over the web.  I'm in Europe (West France) and cannot get to the states (time and finance), nor indeed Warpstock Europe (same reasons).  I'd like to be involved though.


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