Mailing List Archived Message #1500

From: "Dave Saville" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless]Video Conferencing for WarpStock
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2006 08:52:59 +0100 (BST)
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>

On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 19:58:49 -0400, madodel wrote:

>  Actually we have tried using volunteers to videotape the sessions and the
>result was worthless. I still have the videotapes in my office from the
>2000 event in Philly.  We had the plenary sessions go out over realplayer
>in 1999 in Atlanta and almost no one could get Realplayer to work and the
>feed was slow and unreliable and you couldn't hear much of anything.  And
>that was with professional equipment of the time.   To do it right would
>require expensive equipment and people who know what they are doing to run
>it.  There  is no benefit to Warpstock for this unless someone pays for the
>equipment and provides the people to run it.  Otherwise it is just a
>negative encouraging people to not attend.  And even if we could do all
>that and do it well what is the benefit to the event?

Well the developers workshop in Biel managed it. Streamed over the web and an
IRC session watched by a couple of people to field questions. Seemed to work to
me, but then I was there :-) Did not seem to be that mutch in the way of kit -
I only noticed a webcam.


Dave Saville

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