os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #1508

Da: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Intestazioni complete
Messaggio non codificato
Oggetto: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Cisco 340 PCI
Data: Sun, 01 Oct 2006 23:14:26 -0400
A: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

** Apologies in advance to everyone for the length of this post. Essentially, it contains clipped portions of the IBM PC Card Director Software for OS/2 Warp supporting IBM ThinkPads  Installation Package README, dated November 9, 2004. **

Miles -

Yes, that's the model I've seen before (from afar). I'm not currently up on my PCMCIA tweaking, so perhaps someone here could shed some light on what you might try to get socket services to recognize the card, but here are some basic things:

  1. First, as this is going into a desktop, make sure that you do
     indeed have PCMCIA.SYS loading in CONFIG.SYS. I would start with
     the CardBUS 8 driver kit available on the eCS download pages
     (assuming you have a current support agreement). The file is named
     cardbus.exe, and was last modified November 20, 2004.
  2. Look at the adapter board itself to try to determine the chipset
     (Intel, TI, Ricoh, Cirrus Logic, etc.).
  3. Have a quick look at
     http://www.os2world.com/goran/cfgtool/cfgdat03.htm for a rundown
     of some of the PCMCIA-related drivers.
  4. Remember that your *FIRST* PCMCIA driver is *always* PCMCIA.SYS
     (Card Services),  and your *LAST* one is *always* $ICPMOS2.SYS
     (power management).

Here are a couple of snippets from the CardBUS 8 (8 refers to the level of the PCMCIA standard; in this case, 8.0 is the level which supports CardBUS - 32-bit - cards) kit (cardbus.exe) readme:

4.0   Parameter Definitions

 4.1  Socket Services (IBM2SS14.SYS)
      /IG0=y  : This parameter defines a slot number that will be ignored by
                Socket Services. If you use the "Point enabler" supplied
                with the PC Card, you should take into consideration the
                coexistence with Socket Services.

                For Example, "/IG0=1" defines that slot 1 is reserved for a
                "Point enabler" and Socket Services will ignore the slot.
        For additional information see section 5.0.
              /V      : This parameter allows the driver to show the information about
                PC Card adapter and sockets found on system and Driver
           Information during startup.
              /W      : This parameter allows the driver to show the information about
                PC Card adapter and sockets found on system and Driver
        Information during startup. After displaing information driver
        waits for user response to continue loading.

 4.2  Card Services (PCMCIA.SYS)

      /IH     : Ignore handle parameter. This parameter forces driver to do not
                check the Handle passed from Client Driver. This parameter is
        required for some client drivers. For additional information
        see section 6.0

      /V      : This parameter allows the driver to show the information about
                version and build date during startup.
              /W      : This parameter allows the driver to show the information about
                version and build date during startup. After displaing
        information driver waits for user response to continue loading.

 4.3  Power Management for PC Card ($ICPMOS2.SYS)

      /C0     : Allows suspend when the communication PC Card (Modem,LAN)
                is inserted if the Battery Status is High.

      /C1     : Allows suspend when the communication PC Card (Modem,LAN)
                is inserted if the Battery Status is Low.

      /C2     : Allows suspend when the communication PC Card (Modem,LAN)
                is inserted if the Battery Status is Critical.
     If '/Cx' parameter is not specified the default is '/C2' setting.


 6.5 Avoiding PC Card Resource Conflicts

   - PC Card Director checks the resources for most devices used by the
     system to avoid resource conflicts, but it does not recognize all
     option devices used. Especially if you are using the docking station,
     there is a possibility that the I/O port address or IRQ level might
     conflict with the PC Card.      Check the status of the PC Card by using PC Card Director. When the
     PC Card is set to "Ready," the resources used for that PC Card are
     displayed. Refer to the manuals supplied with the system or option
     adapters to check that the resources for the devices in the system
     or for the option adapters do not conflict with the resources for
     the IRQ level, I/O port address, or memory window of the PC Card.
     If you are using OS/2 Warp Version 3 or later versions , you can check
     the assigned system resources using RMVIEW.EXE.

  - If there is a conflict:

     1) Use RESERVE.SYS to register those resources in OS/2.
        To set RESERVE.SYS, refer to the manuals or online help
        for OS/2 Warp, or refer to the READ.ME file of PC Card Director.

     2) If you are using Auto Configurator, change the enabling order or
        resource information using the Auto Configurator Utility.             3) If you are using network cards, change the resource information
        for the PC Card stated in the PROTOCOL.INI, NET.CFG file or
        using MPTS utility.
        To change the configuration file for the network cards, refer to
        the manuals or READ.ME files of the PC Cards or network drivers.

7.0   Files

     README.TXT   : This file
     PCMINST2.EXE : Installation program for OS/2
     PCMINST2.DAT : Installation program for OS/2, data file
     PCMCIA.CRD   : PC Card Support List

     EZPLAY2.DLL  : IBM PC Card Director Installation Program Utility for OS/2
     EZPLAY2.HLP  : IBM PC Card Director Installation Program Utility for OS/2, help file
     PCMCIA.SYS   : Card Services driver for OS/2
     VPCMCIA.SYS  : Virtual Card Services driver for OS/2
     $ICPMOS2.SYS : PCMCIA Power Management Support driver for OS/2
     PAWFLDR.ICO  : IBM PC Card Director Installation Program Folder ICON file
     LOGO_1.ICO   : PC Card Logo

     IBM2SS14.SYS : Socket Services driver for IBM ThinkPad

     AUTODRV2.SYS : Auto Configurator for OS/2
     AUTODRV2.SCR : Auto Configurator for OS/2, script file
     AUTOUTL2.EXE : Auto Configurator Utility for OS/2
     AUTODRV2.SEL : Auto Configurator Utility for OS/2, data file
     AUTOUTL2.HLP : Auto Configurator Utility for OS/2, help file
     AUTODRV.DOC  : Auto Configurator READ.ME file
     *.SCR        : Auto Configurator sample script files

     ATAMNT2.EXE  : ATA Mount Utility for OS/2
     ATAMNT2.HLP  : ATA Mount Utility for OS/2, help file
     OS2PCARD.DMD : Storage Driver for OS/2
     PCM2ATA.ADD  : Storage Driver for OS/2 (ATA)
     PCMSSDIF.SYS : Storage Driver for OS/2 (Interface)
     PCM2SRAM.SYS : Storage Driver for OS/2 (SRAM)
     FLSH2MTD.SYS : Storage Driver for OS/2 (FLASH MTD)
     PCM2FLSH.SYS : Storage Driver for OS/2 (FLASH)
     FCHECK2.EXE  : FLASH PC Card Low-Level check program for OS/2
     FFORMAT2.EXE : FLASH PC Card Low-Level format program for OS/2

     AHA152X.ADD  : Adaptec SCSI PCCard for OS/2
     FD16-700.ADD : Future Domain SCSI PCCard for OS/2

     TDKENAB.OS2  : TDK CardBus NetFlyer NDIS Driver
     TDKFLYR.OS2  : TDK CardBus NetFlyer Client Driver
     PROTOCOL.INI : Protocol file for TDK Netflyer CardBus Card

     *.SYM        : Device Driver Symbol Files

Hope this helps. You'll probably also need to scrounge around for the Cisco documentation, but you should be able to come up with that from their TACS (support) site. That information may prove useful for any RESERVE.SYS tweaking you may need to accomplish.

Good luck.

On 10/01/06 11:43 am, Miles Kuperus thus wrote :
Hello Lewis,

It sure looks like a PCMCIA card.  I can remove it and on the back it says it's :


My PCMCIA card for my laptop has : AIR-PCM340 on the back however.

PCIscan does not pick it up.

Can you explain how I adjust my scoket services driver?


On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 17:02:15 -0700, Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:

Sorry to hear that, Miles. If you run a PCI scan, do you even see the adapter card? Perhaps you need to adjust your socket services driver to recognize the adapter. (We are talking about the PCI card which actually contains a PCMCIA slot on it and a Cisco 340 PCMCIA  card plugged into it, are we not?)

On 09/29/06 11:53 am, Miles Kuperus thus wrote :
About a million years ago I was going to try a PCI 340 under OS/2 with the same drivers I use with my PCMCIA card.  Well, I finally got around to it      
sadly, the drivers will not load for the PCI card.  Just thought people should know.


-- Lewis
Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
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