I went through exactly the steps, in the sequence shown below.
#2 Killed it.
#3 Reran the script which restarted DHCPCD
And, as you can see, #4 Closed DHCPMon and Restarted it.
Just for the exercise, I reran the script again just now. The PID for
the DHCPCD changed from 109 as it was after the previous exercise and
it is now showing as 216.
If there's something else to look at [and you can tell me how], I'll be
happy to try.
I think I mentioned this originally, but if I just bring the system up
with a cable attached at boot-time, DHCPMon displays what it should.
The script changes what is displayed to that shown below.
On Sat, 07 Oct 2006 14:54:33 -0400, Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
>Carl, did you run the script again *after* killing the process? The
>results you list below make sense if you did *not* run the script again
>to start the DHCP client on the "new" interface.
>Isn't there an Xcenter widget which displays the current IP? I know that
>sometime back, John Angelico (IIRC) scripted a little REXX to mimic the
>ipconfig WinNT command, too. All of that aside, if the new instance of
>DHCPCD really isn't started (and the way to tell would be to check the
>PID before running the script and then again, after) then DHCPMON is
>telling the truth, and only a zombie of the original DHCPCD may be left.
>On 10/07/06 12:50 pm, Carl Gehr thus wrote :
>> Basically, same results.
>> 1) TOP show DHCPCD running as Task 77
>> 2) Killed DHCPCD
>> 3) Ran CMD to restart WiFi connection on LAN1
>> 3) TOP says DHCPCD running as Task 109
>> 4) Closed DHCPMon and Restarted it.
>> 5) The three status lines:
>> DDNS host name: Not Registered
>> IP address: Not Configured
>> Status: DHCP client is not running
>> 6) Display: Configuration->Current_configuration
>> ====> Totally blank
>> As I said, this did work up until a couple of months ago. The main
>> piece of info that I want displayed is my IP address.
>> THANKS for the suggestions.
>> Carl
>> On Sat, 07 Oct 2006 10:21:24 -0400, Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
>>> I just run the script again to activate the interface. I, too, get the
>>> "DHCP Client is not running" message. It's probably a timing thing,
>>> where we kill off the one instance but need to insert a do nothing loop
>>> (or a few of them) to wait long enough before we try to start it up
>>> again. The problem is probably more noticeable with the faster machines
>>> than it might have been some years ago, but I never ran this stuff on
>>> the older hardware (ThinkPad 360-era).
>>> I'll see if I can experiment with this before Warpstock (read: this
>>> weekend), and even touch on it during my workshop.
>>> Run TOP the next time and see whether DHCPCD may be exiting. Or, kill it
>> >from TOP and then run the script. See what you get.
>>> On 10/06/06 09:31 pm, Carl Gehr thus wrote :
>>>> Lewis,
>>>> I don't think that's my problem...
>>>> In this case, the DHCP Monitor shows:
>>>> Settings->Monitor_Interface->LAN1
>>>> Status: DHCP Client is not running.
>>>> The first of the above is as it should be. The second is wrong!
>>>> i.e., When I display the active tasks [Ctrl-Task_List on eCenter],
>>>> there, right at the top is:
>>>> DHCPCD.EXE (82)
>>>> Methinks DHCPMON is confused! And, it did not work this way a while
>>>> back. But, I've forgotten when it changed or what I might have done to
>>>> cause the change. FWIW, the DHCP Monitor is V4.1.
>>>> Carl
>>>> On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 09:37:25 -0400, Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
>>>>> Carl, I've found that when that issue occurs, I simply wait a bit, and
>>>>> then re-start DHCPMON. Eventually, it gets the idea that the interface
>>>>> it previously accessed is no longer there, and gets the new information.
>>>>> Bug? Probably. I haven't seen it overly persistent, however.
>>>>> On 09/24/06 11:57 pm, Carl Gehr thus wrote :
>>>>>> Lewis,
>>>>>> In the set of commands you show below [I use them almost verbatim.],
>>>>>> there is the command that stops the DHCP Monitor. [ dhcpmon -t ]
>>>>>> BUT, I have had problems trying to get the monitor back so it will
>>>>>> display the status, config, etc., of the newly started LAN1. I've
>>>>>> tried specifying:
>>>>>> dhcpmon -i LAN1
>>>>>> but this seems to do absolutely nothing.
>>>>>> Can this be done? What, if anything, am I missing?
>>>>>> TIA,
>>>>>> Carl
>>> <snip>
>>> --
>>> Lewis
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
>>> Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC
>>> Accountants / Network Consultants
>>> New York / Northern Virginia www.2rosenthals.com
>>> eComStation Consultants www.ecomstation.com
>>> Novell Users Int'l www.novell.com/openenterpriseserver
>>> Need a managed Wi-Fi hotspot? www.hautspot.com
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>Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
>Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC
>Accountants / Network Consultants
> New York / Northern Virginia www.2rosenthals.com
>eComStation Consultants www.ecomstation.com
>Novell Users Int'l www.novell.com/openenterpriseserver
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