Mailing List Archived Message #1553

From: "Carl Gehr" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: T23 internal cards success
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2006 01:02:19 -0400 (EDT)
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>

On Sat, 07 Oct 2006 19:46:52 -0400, Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:

>On 10/07/06 03:43 pm, Carl Gehr thus wrote :
>> Lewis,
>> I went through exactly the steps, in the sequence shown below.
>> #2 Killed it.
>> #3 Reran the script which restarted DHCPCD
>> And, as you can see, #4 Closed DHCPMon and Restarted it.
>Oops. Yes, now how did I miss that when I read your post the first time?
>Too much on my mind...
>> Just for the exercise, I reran the script again just now.  The PID for
>> the DHCPCD changed from 109 as it was after the previous exercise and
>> it is now showing as 216.
>> If there's something else to look at [and you can tell me how], I'll be
>> happy to try.
>> I think I mentioned this originally, but if I just bring the system up
>> with a cable attached at boot-time, DHCPMon displays what it should.
>> The script changes what is displayed to that shown below.
>All I can tell you Carl is that I get the same issue here, so I just run
>the script a couple more times until DHCPMON picks up on it. I don't
>close DHCPMON, either; I just rerun the script, and eventually, DHCPMON
>allows me to select the alternate interface.

We're getting closer to communicating with each other now...

I agree with the delay in switching the interface being monitored...
Eventually, it does get it right.  So, we're the same there.

Where we differ [I think], is that even though the correct interface is
finally monitored, the monitor still does not show an IP address,
apparantly because it says:
"DHCP client is not running."
Now, the client *is* running.  So, why does the monitor fail to
recognize the client and, therefore, display the IP address instead of
saying the IP address is "Not configured"...????

This used to work.  Doesn't now...
       I don't know why; what changed; nor how to fix it.


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