Mailing List Archived Message #1678

From: "Lothar Frommhold" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Getting started with GenMac
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 15:50:07 -0600
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>


If this is not too imposing, could you perhaps also send a copy of the installation of the Intel 2200BG  card to me? I would much appreciate it!


Ed Durrant wrote:
Neil Waldhauer wrote:
I've installed GenMac, and it recognises my hardware (thanks, Lewis), but I
don't know how to proceed.

In the bin directory are some utilities. The instructions for using them are a
little too terse for me.

scan.exe finds the card. Here is the output.

Device-Name     : W8086x4220.nif
Lan-Number      : lan3
Link-Status     : 0x4001000c
Link-Status-CHG : 1
Media-Connect   : CONNECTED
LinkSpeed       : 0 MBit/s
BSSID           :
Infrastructure  : 0x0  (AD-HOC)
Encryption      : 0x0  (ENABLED)
Authentication  : 0x0  (OPEN)
Privacy Filter  : 0x0  (ACCEPT ALL)

The entry called Infrastructure is troubling me. Shouldn't that be set to
connect to my access point? How do I change that?

There ARE command line utilities, however by far the simplest solution is to download and install WLANMON (I recommend v 2.12) to let it change these settings for you and start the wireless radio.

Several of us have had issues with v 1.7 of the Genmac driver and have gone back to v 1.6.

I wrote a complete step by step install instruction list on this and the Genmac mailing list for this Intel 2200BG card a little while ago - I send it directly to your e-mail address rather than "clog up" the list here.



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