Mailing List Archived Message #1680

From: "Carl Gehr" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: GenMac? Support for 3945ABG Adapter in TPad T60
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 23:14:48 -0500 (EST)
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users List" <>

I know it is unusual, but I'll put my signature first:
This gets it out of the way before someone calls me that [or at least
thinks it].

This weekend, I will be installing eCS 1.2R on a brand new TPad T60.
The configuration listing indicates the following:

>  *  Integrated Ethernet: Integrated Gigabit Ethernet (Standard)
>  *  Integrated WiFi wireless LAN: Wi-Fi wireless upgradable and
>     Bluetooth (Standard)
>  *  Integrated WiFi wireless LAN adapters: Intel PRO/Wireless
>     3945ABG Mini-PCI Express Adapter  [Feature:  41A4068]
[I'm not sure if this means I have 'two' WiFi adapters, or what?  The
Rep, when I ordered the system, kept saying that the third
specification was the 'upgrade' to the second item.]

Now, with the hardware as stated [cut/paste] above:

1)  What driver(s) do I need.  [My interpretation of the various
    discussions is that I should get the "GenMac" package.]

2)  Assuming the answer to #1 is "GenMac" then, where do I find it?
    Supposedly, it is part of a package on OS2Warp.Be.  But, when I
    look at the latest list of supported devices, it says:
        Last modified: 2004/08/30, 14:07
    The latest build is listed as:
        V2.0, Rel 3; dated:   2004-01-27
    Somehow, a TWO YEAR old site does not inspire confidence.
    What am I missing?

3)  If there is another, better [hopefully] driver, please tell me
    and tell me where to find it.

4)  Any other suggestions, documentation, etc., will be greatly

Rick R:  You recently indicated you now have your T60p up and running.
Which Adapter(s) do you have?  [I certainly hope it is the same as I
showed above...]



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