os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #1694

???: "madodel" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> ?? ????
??: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Getting started with GenMac
??: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 15:01:08 -0500
??: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

Al Heath wrote:
 >If you are using a Centrino chipset based Thinkpad laptop,  or one
 >that has the Intel Speedstep technology (I think this is only the
 >Centrino systems but I could be wrong), Turn off this feature in the
 >BIOS. If you don't the WiFi card will work when connected to AC but not
 >when on battery !

To be honest, I don't follow this exactly as I've been lightly scanning this thread.  I have a T42 with built in wireless. (168C:1014) and have SpeedStep Enabled in bios and I DON'T have a problem connecting (etc) running on battery or AC.  My power mode for Battery is [Maximum Battery Life] and customize [Fixed Max] [5 minutes] [5 minutes] [3 minutes] for those fields.  Mode for AC [Automatic] and mode for battery [battery optimized].  Many other fields are enabled too....  Is the problem only with certain wireless cards (such as the Toshiba branded Mini_PCI card) or supposedly in general?

Al H

There are at least three of us with T4x's and Intel 2200bg cards that experienced the problem.  Disabling the Speedstep in the BIOS was the only thing that allowed the 2200 to be seen by xwlan.  Others had it working but only on AC, and not on battery.  It makes no sense since it worked for me for several months without changing anything and always worked fine with an Intel 2100b card, but this is what we discovered to fix the problem.



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