clients are also built-in to a lot of routers as well so you don't need anything on the PC at all.
As with Leon and Lewis I can hardily recommend to circumvent the dynamic ip issue. I have used it for years and it works well. In fact I have a perpetual account there since I had made a small contribution when they were first starting up. I used to use a dyndns client under OS/2, but now just use the one built-in to my Netgear router.
The one problem you may come up against is if your ISP blocks server ports that the camera uses. Here my ISP blocks 80, so when I ran a web server I had to use 8080.
"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic State itself. That in it's essence, is Fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group or by any controlling private power." Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Message proposing the Monopoly Investigation, 1938