Mailing List Archived Message #1732

From: "madodel" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: [Fwd: Invitation to Present at WS2006]
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 16:30:21 -0500
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Andy Willis wrote:
Andy Willis wrote:
madodel wrote:
Andy Willis wrote:
Hmm, I seem to have the same problem as Mark.  I didn't notice when I typed L that it showed Lewis' name but the address was the list.

I think its that this list sets the From: as the list address but with the actual senders name.  That confuses  TB. when you then try to recall an existing address.  This is the only list I have seen do this.  It means  we have to be more careful with picking  To: addresses suggested by TB.

It is related to the collected addresses.  Anyone that you send to it adds the address.  But looking at the address I am just surprised it found Lewis's name unless the headers changed after it got collected.
I removed it and readded it directly and it did not put Lewis's name in there so now I removed it again and will see what gets added this time for the collected address.
It added it as expected now, Lewis' name is not in the field.

But now if you send me an email, my guess is it will display the one with this lists address attached to my name  (well not my name, but my sender name "madodel").



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