Mailing List Archived Message #1733

From: "Jirk Braak" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: hi All i know this is off-topic....
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 22:36:00 +0100
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Hi... i know this is off topic... but the jfs of my server crashed (containing all my wireless projects)
i cannot do anything with the drive anymore...  but with dfsee i can see the files.... correct size and name...there no way to access it however
there's this program that can recover it..... kernel-jfs that can recover all lost data.... i was wondering if anybody has a copy of this program lying around somewhere,
what i can use to restore my shit?

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,

Jirk Braak
Error Free IT


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