Mailing List Archived Message #1886

From: "Kris Steenhaut" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Wireless on an IBM T-40
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 09:52:44 +0100
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

altownsend wrote:
Is this the "Location Profile"? Which shows as TiggerCat or is that where I am connected to?

I have the D-Link Wireless Network Name as TiigerCat
We can be pretty sure it isn't.
If I am wrong where do I find the name for the name of the wireless device

If there is one, in the Windows device list (or whatever the name is).
This name shows in an "IBM Access Conections" window

T-40 is running WindowsXP

If Windy hasn't automagically installed the driver etc... etc..., this only can mean, take your pick:

- or the laptop hasn't an inbuild wireless device (device = hardware)

- or due to some miracolous miracle Windy hasn't detected the device and hence not installed the device driver etc... etc...

If the first,  purchase a cheap PCMCIA card (cardbus type) that comes with Windy drivers in the box.

If the second, prior to anything you'll have to look for the name of the wireless inbuild device (= hardware) in the TP's manual.
Was Windy XP the OS the laptop originally came with?

Bottom line: wireless connection between your TP and your routier is a Windy affair and nothing but a Windy affair.

Groeten uit Gent,


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