os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #1899

???: "Rick R." <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> ?? ????
??: Success Story
??: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 17:22:36 -0800 (PST)
??: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

Howdy Fellaws !

After many a trial and tribulation I'm finally back in
the green again.
After moving to my T43p, I got my sound back,
wireleass, Accelerated Video and yes Wireless as well.

I still have SOCKETS crashes, but after doing some
more patching, those crashes now only happen once
every 2-3 days and seem directly related to only the
most heaviest of traffic.

And once I power off the box before restarting it, I
can run the rest of the day w/o it happening again.

So I recon after doing a little bit more patching, I
might get rid of those last leftovers as well.

And after switching "ipgate on" in "setup.cmd", I can
now also route my VPC sessions to the Internet.

I'm in dream land with tons of SW, which now works
again, that no Windoze system can touch me no more :-)

And on top of all else, I found that the damn Windoze
partition I (had to) use(d) took less than 3 weeks of
Internet cruising to become totally corrupted beyond

Damn, they are right when they say that the only time
Microsoft would ever produce a product that doesn't
suck is when they would start making vacuum cleaners.

And then that Windows 2000 Pro install CD crashes with
a Blue Screen of Death on my system *every* time.

So much for bad-mouthing OS/2 install CDs.

Now there is one grain of salt in this happy man's
That xwlan tool, which used to work after many initial
failures, is now back to its bad behaviour of always
going past the last available NIC.

So if my WiFi is on lan1, xwlan always(!) goes to
lan2, which is empty.
So I can't switch networks or use the encryption

I have upgraded XWLAN throughout this ordeal so many
times, that I can't say any more when this error was
That used to be the error in the earlier versions of
XWLAN, then it worked, then I had to start moving my
system and ended up applying upgrades & patches left,
right and center.

So who knows on which version of XWLAN I should fall
back on now?

Also, I found one way to resolve the error message
with certain (Windoze?) DHCP servers over WiFi is to
define the interface as static, using an IP address
within the server's address range, and then switch
back to TCP/IP.

Using an OS/2 packet sniffer I found that this
(windoze?) DHCP server seems to restrict its response
to my system's DHCP request to a specific address
within its range.

Doesn't make much sense, since I'm trying to get a
valid address in the first place with that DHCP
request, but I think that's the main reason why I
never "catch" the answere.

So using a static address first and/or
de/re-activating the WiFi NIC a few times then leads
to success and no further problems as long as the
connection stays up.

If I don't transmit anything for some time, I'll have
to go through the whole procedure again.

--- Neil Waldhauer
<os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Dec 2006 22:25:30 -0800, "altownsend"
> <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> wrote:
> > It is not the D-Link Router
> >
> > It is to get the T-40 to work on the wireless side
> I think Ed's right. You can get support for Windows
> right from the manufacturer
> (s). You don't know if the problem is the access
> point or the laptop.
> My advice -- wireless works great for eCS. erase
> Windows XP and replace with
> eCS. Install GenMac and XWLan, and you should be
> fine with the wireless
> networking.
> Or at least you'll be using something that's on
> topic for this list.
> Note: eCS works well in general. I have been trying
> to use eCS in place of
> Windows while running a business that works closely
> with corporations that use
> MS Office. I simply don't tell them I'm not running
> Windows. If I don't mention
> it, it just doesn't come up.
> Neil
> --
> Neil Waldhauer, neil@blondeguy.com
> If it ain't broke, fix it till it is.
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