os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #1954

Da: "Miles" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Intestazioni complete
Messaggio non codificato
Oggetto: Card Suggestions
Data: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 07:36:55 -0400 (EDT)
A: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

I am trying to figure out what wireless network card to buy for my OS/2 machines but
it's not really clear which ones are going to work well.  Is there a short list of
good cards for OS/2?  I'm also worried about getting drivers for these cards.  

I'm assuming that I can't go out and buy a new card and will need to get something
off of ebay.  Maybe I'm wrong about that though.

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