os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #1958

Da: "madodel" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Intestazioni complete
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Oggetto: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Card Suggestions
Data: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 16:35:41 -0400
A: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

Miles wrote:
Good Point.

I'm looking for a card for my desktop PCs running MCP.  I have no wireless equipment right now so I can buy whatever I need.  I do have a CISCO 340 PCMCIA card for my laptop that works great under OS/2.  I think I would be looking for a PCI card.

If you can afford it I'd suggest the wireless bridge then. Its platform agnostic.  All you need is driver for your ethernet card and a browser to configure it.  The downside is that these tend to be pricier then a card.

If you want a PCI card you can checkout http://www.os2warp.be/index2.php?name=wifi which mentions a PCI option of using a PCMCIA adapter.  I'm sure though that there was at least one real PCI wireless card that worked with the available drivers.  Let me ask Stan Sidlov (I'm not sure if he is on this list anymore) since I'm pretty sure he obtained the card we gave away at Warpstock a couple years ago.  Don't mistake these with the mini-PCI cards though.  AFAIK mini-PCI slots are only in laptops,and you can only use the mini-PCI wireless cards in laptops with built-in antenna wiring.  and some laptops like my IBM T42p will only work with specific versions of some mini-PCI cards.  The whole thing is way more complicated then it needs to be in my opinion.  AFAIK the Cisco 340/350 PCI card will not work with the Cisco 350 driver.

On Tue, 04 Apr 2006 15:38:08 -0400, madodel wrote:

Miles wrote:
I am trying to figure out what wireless network card to buy for my OS/2 machines
it's not really clear which ones are going to work well.  Is there a short list
good cards for OS/2?  I'm also worried about getting drivers for these cards.  I'm assuming that I can't go out and buy a new card and will need to get
off of ebay.  Maybe I'm wrong about that though.

What kind of system?  You have to be specific as to hardware(desktop, laptop, laptop with builtin wireless)  and whether you are running eCS-MCP or older on it since at least two of the drivers are only available with an eCS license or SWC subscription.  Also what kind of wireless connection do yourequire?  The older 802.11b is 1mbps but you can still obtain PCMCIA

The above is an obvious mistake. 802.11b is 11mbps. 802.11g is 54mbps. Sorry is that confused anyone.

cards on eBay that will work.  For now the only solutions for the newer 802.11g are either built-in mini-PCI cards for laptops or a wireless bridge. See below.



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