Mailing List Archived Message #1987

From: "SYNass i-lists" <> Full Headers
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Subject: Wireless printer connection ?
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2006 07:04:15 +0100

Dear OS/2 wireless users
With the DLink DWL-G520+ WL shall be possible for OS/2 desktops too !

How about connecting printer/s wirelessly ?

My SMC Barricade 7404 WBRA stopped working and needed to be replaced !
Unfortunately the new unit/s do/es not have a PP anymore !!

With more than only one printer one could use a print server i.e. a
Netgear PS-113 !?

A NetGear PS-113 is present but I would like printing wireless too ;-)
Is this possible with OS/2 ???

TIA for your, hopefully positive, hints and recommendations ;-))

Cheers, svobī

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