os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #203

???: "Leon D. Zetekoff, NCE" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> ?? ????
??: Re: [OS2Wireless] OT: latest java version
??: Sat, 14 Jun 2008 18:38:42 -0400
??: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

* Andy Willis wrote, On 6/14/2008 6:10 PM:
Leon D. Zetekoff, NCE wrote:
* Andy Willis wrote, On 6/14/2008 4:29 PM:
Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
On Fri, 13 Jun 2008 12:18:47 -0400 "Leon D. Zetekoff, NCE"
<os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> wrote:
* Chuck McKinnis wrote, On 6/13/2008 11:12 AM:
Leon D. Zetekoff wrote:
HI guys...what's the latest java version? I seem to have 1.4.2 b05
Is there anything> 1.4.2 avail?

Thanks leon
The latest is Java 1.4.2_09, available from www.ecomstation.com.
Search for "1.4.2".

Thanks Chuck....will grab it but need 1.5+

I saw a thread at os2world.com concerning the ability to run 1.5 under
Odin. I think the problem was with javaws, but that the JVM itself
may have
worked. Try a seach there, Leon.

Not that it helps Leon but I just used Javaws with 1.5 (using the
replace exe method and not the ar5os2 method). The plugin is the only
thing I haven't gotten working so far.
HI Andy...actually the WS I think is what is needed as the browser
starts a jnlp file. WIll have to check it out.

thanks leon

If it is a jnlp file then we should be able to get you going.  I think I am currently still using javaws from possible Java 1.3 but I set it launches Java 1.5.  The easiest way for my quick check was I had javaws working for Java 1.4.2 and I then renamed the Java 1.4.2 directory and replaced it with my Java 1.5 directory so that the existing Javaws setup was in place.
If you can show me a procedure what to try I'll give it a shot. It's a video conferencing thing. Of course my ecs box has no audio on it but I just want to prove a point :-)

thanks leon

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